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Author Topic: Work persona / real life persona  (Read 4417 times)


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #15 on: 16 April 2014, 07:28:38 pm »

I'm also painfully shy in my own life with people my own age, yet am able to just chat away and seduce (attempt to at least haha).

I have the same problem! I'm very shy in my personal life and because of this I tend to become standoffish when men try to approach me in real life. But on-the-clock Cara is a flirtatious temptress seducing men into paying for my time. But other than this problem, my prossie's personality mirrors my regular self except with the grumpiness, temper and cattiness toned down.

I have my hair color maintained every 5 weeks as my roots grow too fast. I have a pedi done every 3 weeks. And am currently undergoing IPL to have unwanted hair removed. Best decision ever. Gone are the days I have to shave my legs daily for client meets. If I wasn't an escort, I would wear pants more.

I thought this was just me! I'm pitifully shy in real life, I used to have a bit of a stutter as well as I would get so nervous talking to people. Its weird but after 4 years off and on of escorting I've noticed that stutter has all but disappeared - I only realised it when I was talking to someone I found a bit intimidating and all of a sudden I was tripping over my words again!

Work me still struggles a bit with eye contact - at least I think so - clients have always commented on my eyes so clearly I must be looking at them lol. I tell people who know that when I have to I channel my inner R... On some job interviews/presentations I've found myself bring my escort persona out. I do rein in the bedroom eyes and dirty talk though lol


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #16 on: 16 April 2014, 08:08:15 pm »
In all honesty my work persona is less of an opinionated cunt then my real life self. Oh how I hold my tongue when slightly bigoted views are being shared with me at work. Smile and nod, smile and nod. Thats the only difference.

Chanel xxx

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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #17 on: 17 April 2014, 09:16:25 pm »
For me my work persona and normal are pretty much the same. Since I was very young I have had different sides to me. Like when at school you wear a uniform, speak proper English, respect your teachers, share with others blah blah. But with different teachers you can express various sides. Be artistic, be scientific, focus on maths and with friends you laugh, cry, fight and either be a leader or a follower.

I can change daily or many times during the day but now I know those are all part of me and I know who I am. Im polite, caring, intelligent, sexy and not afraid to tell it how it s in the right situation. I was very confused growing up but through reading and listening to those older and wiser than me and finally my beloved Mother...I learnt lessons that no university could teach me.

Ive never been a follower I was a nerd and still am but 36dd tits, cute face, a big mouth and African blood does help  8)

I come from huge family filled with very strong characters and we are mainly females so theres no time to shy away and be a wall flower. I grew up in one of the roughest council estates in London if not the UK, in a single a parent family and I have done my best to educate my self and not rely on benefits.

Good bless Margaret Thatcher as she allowed women that were being beaten black and blue to escape and bring up their children in peace. My mum worked every day of her life and never claimed a penny off the an immigrant

Right now I pay my rent, bills everything off me.

The only thing Im scared of is failure..I aint never scared of anyone.

Yep I scrapped as a young un and never lost a fight. But with wisdom you learn that a true lady doesn't fight with use your grace charm and intelligence. Violence is a last resort for those that cant express themselves adequately.

Im too loved to be a victim. Just as I advise on here, spreading love and wisdom isn't new to me. As people helped me when I was in need, I then share that light. I have helped many people in need, not all of them were angels, some were innocents but I don't judge esp as a whore.

Yes Im a whore and fucking proud of it! Depending I bring a illuminating light or a sacred  darkness to those who choose to literally FUCK WITH ME.  I live by the universal laws of Karma. I don't fuck with people to harm them so I don't expect that in return. Simple.

If you do and I act to defend myself then lets PLAY!! As after its all said and done Im protected under every law under and above the land as self defence. Veiled threats or not..Mama didn't raise no fool. And just like me I know so many that like to play rough...just for the fun of it.
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #18 on: 18 April 2014, 08:09:16 am »
In all honesty my work persona is less of an opinionated cunt then my real life self. Oh how I hold my tongue when slightly bigoted views are being shared with me at work. Smile and nod, smile and nod. Thats the only difference.

Haha I'd be signing on by now if I didn't do this too!
*** I can resist everything but temptation***


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #19 on: 18 April 2014, 09:53:33 am »
Work as an escort, I am mega organised, reliable and sensible but outside of work I am the completed opposite......well the older I get, the more reliable I am but I'm definitely not organised and I am always late for everything.....really should look into that!

Outside work I live a normal life, I spend lots of time with family and friends, go on a couple of holidays at least a year, shopping......lunches/dinners out, cinema, nites out and spend a lot of time doing my hair and make up each day as I do even when I am working.

Other times I am just relaxing in the house with a nice bubble bath and in my pyjamas all day with my hair tied up watching movies  ;D I think we need days like that sometimes to recharge our batteries.



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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #20 on: 18 April 2014, 02:15:24 pm »
I'm pretty much the same, although I'm sweeter and more smiley with clients. I think that's why the one guy who tried to rob me was so easily frightened off when I switched in an instant and started snarling like a wild animal. Up until then I'd been a bit giddy and giggly and very sweet and affectionate. My real life friends would have been less startled to see my angry side, I think.

I've also on occasion had to do this sort of deadpan, firm "stop doing that" thing where my voice changes. I mean I'll sweetly say "please don't do that" or "ooh, that tickles" or whatever and if they do it again then I go sort of cold for a second and that always brings them up short. Then I'm back to smiling sweetly and giggling. LOL

I'm a very assertive person. I'm also very tall and few people mess with me in my daily life. I guess I tone it down and sweeten up a bit for clients. I'm also sort of blithe and silly when I'm talking to them because, well, unless the client comes across as someone who is really smart and intellectually curious and interesting, I'm just going to be making small talk and only about half of my mind is on the conversation.


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #21 on: 18 April 2014, 02:20:42 pm »
I'm pretty much the same, although I'm sweeter and more smiley with clients. I think that's why the one guy who tried to rob me was so easily frightened off when I switched in an instant and started snarling like a wild animal. Up until then I'd been a bit giddy and giggly and very sweet and affectionate. My real life friends would have been less startled to see my angry side, I think.

I've also on occasion had to do this sort of deadpan, firm "stop doing that" thing where my voice changes. I mean I'll sweetly say "please don't do that" or "ooh, that tickles" or whatever and if they do it again then I go sort of cold for a second and that always brings them up short. Then I'm back to smiling sweetly and giggling. LOL

I'm a very assertive person. I'm also very tall and few people mess with me in my daily life. I guess I tone it down and sweeten up a bit for clients. I'm also sort of blithe and silly when I'm talking to them because, well, unless the client comes across as someone who is really smart and intellectually curious and interesting, I'm just going to be making small talk and only about half of my mind is on the conversation.

That sudden deadpan voice is something I learnt in management! It's great!


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #22 on: 18 April 2014, 04:37:54 pm »
I'm pretty much the same, although I'm sweeter and more smiley with clients. I think that's why the one guy who tried to rob me was so easily frightened off when I switched in an instant and started snarling like a wild animal. Up until then I'd been a bit giddy and giggly and very sweet and affectionate. My real life friends would have been less startled to see my angry side, I think.

I've also on occasion had to do this sort of deadpan, firm "stop doing that" thing where my voice changes. I mean I'll sweetly say "please don't do that" or "ooh, that tickles" or whatever and if they do it again then I go sort of cold for a second and that always brings them up short. Then I'm back to smiling sweetly and giggling. LOL

I'm a very assertive person. I'm also very tall and few people mess with me in my daily life. I guess I tone it down and sweeten up a bit for clients. I'm also sort of blithe and silly when I'm talking to them because, well, unless the client comes across as someone who is really smart and intellectually curious and interesting, I'm just going to be making small talk and only about half of my mind is on the conversation.

That sudden deadpan voice is something I learnt in management! It's great!

i need to learn this! i am so not assertive its not good for work or otherwise
*** I can resist everything but temptation***


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #23 on: 19 April 2014, 10:30:18 am »
Both sides of me are quite different.

Working me - Always dressed and made up, always smiling and for some reason I've gained this sweet, innocent, 'you are pretty much always right', not the brightest girl in the world image (I'm guessing it goes with the fact I look young, most people that see me want some one 'young and naive').... How ever clients get a shock if they do some thing out of order.  ::)

Every day me - Hardly leave the house, Jogging bottoms, hair scraped back, no make up, educated, mature (ignoring my moments) and a 'You will never win an argument with me' attitude.

Chanel xxx

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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #24 on: 21 April 2014, 11:23:31 pm »
Im just as unpredictable and strange both in work and in real life. Im a free spirit and I do as I please as I don't ever hurt anyone (and stay within the law).

I like that in work and those that see me day to day just cant work me out but deep down they know Im a nice person.

The fact that you can change persona's/outfits/characters when being an escort is really fun..along with the sex and the MONEY!!!!!

Of course when chilling indoors or just popping to your local shops. Its cool to just slob out but I have always loved fashion and dressing up whether its ethnic/tribal , gothic, vintage, punk, rudegal, chav chic.. from 1590 to 2014. It depends on how I feel at that time.
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #25 on: 22 April 2014, 08:03:20 am »
Oh and something that I find very strange is that work me looks into the mirror an feels 100% beautiful and finds it hard to spot a flaw, whereas in reality I have very deep seated insecurity regarding my looks and figure especially around my friends who are all stunning with great bodies, it's like I shrink on the inside although they could never tell

Sassy Slapper

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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #26 on: 22 April 2014, 09:15:18 am »
I dye  my hair at home, I pluck my eyebrows at home. I dont tan nor have botox or filler yet although I did try it a few years ago and liked it so eventually I will have that when I feel its needed. I dont have any surgery, I deal with my own muff in my own bathroom. I'm pretty low maintenance while I have to pay for it myself. Should I ever stumble upon a man who is happy to pay for it then I may upgrade to medium maintenance and let someone else do the boring stuff lol.

My off work days are cleaning, cooking, washing, dealing with teenagers, haranguing teenagers into doing stuff they should be doing that I'm sick of doing, food shopping, reading books, doing work admin?absolutely nothing riveting, exiting or glamorous whatsoever haha

Sassy Slapper

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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #27 on: 22 April 2014, 09:20:39 am »
I had a nice neat and tidy, well dressed, hair always perfect upbringing?my real life is a constant struggle to again the levels of neat and tidiness that would allow my mother and grandmother into my house should they still be walking the earth?I fail constantly in this by a long way as neither of them worked full time and had husbands who were good at DIY, I neither have a husband or am good at DIY so when a door falls off it usually takes me several months to get around to paying someone to hang it again. Im a terrible housewife. Clean but properly messy. I usually manage to get one perfectly tidy and respectable room at a time lol. I fail miserably at ironing everything as soon as its out of the dryer and hanging it up too. Recently found my son had been using the pile of clean clothes I put on the end of his bed the week before as a pillow as he thought they were "really really really comfy to lie on though" **sigh**

Jenny 2

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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #28 on: 24 April 2014, 01:57:03 pm »
I dye  my hair at home, I pluck my eyebrows at home. I dont tan nor have botox or filler yet although I did try it a few years ago and liked it so eventually I will have that when I feel its needed. I dont have any surgery, I deal with my own muff in my own bathroom. I'm pretty low maintenance while I have to pay for it myself. Should I ever stumble upon a man who is happy to pay for it then I may upgrade to medium maintenance and let someone else do the boring stuff lol.

My off work days are cleaning, cooking, washing, dealing with teenagers, haranguing teenagers into doing stuff they should be doing that I'm sick of doing, food shopping, reading books, doing work admin?absolutely nothing riveting, exiting or glamorous whatsoever haha

Ditto............... pretty much same here! 

Very far removed from the ridiculous image punters seem to have that I drive a Porsche or anything open top and shop at Harrods and nowhere else - that's when I am not in the spa/hairdressers/beauty salon and generally spend my whole life devoted to preening myself and lying on my back waiting for the constant influx of bookings........oh and when I am out in public, I flirt with every man I meet, flash my assets and not forgetting I go out in public not too far different from my work clothes, suspenders, stockings, short skirt, high heels etc................

The truth is that I am happiest in my jogging bottoms/jeans/trainers, no make up, unwashed hair and if not doing chores my delight is watching some mindless boring soap on tv as my form of escapism!


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Re: Work persona / real life persona
« Reply #29 on: 26 April 2014, 10:31:48 pm »
I am a mum I don't have time for myself. Nails ever pay 3-4 weeks, hair cut every 8 weeks.
My days are often spent swimming, at soft play, kids parties, park and so on! If I'm not entertaining my son I am cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, food shopping and shagging a punter now and again 😜

Not glamorous