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Author Topic: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored  (Read 35024 times)


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #45 on: 18 March 2015, 07:28:48 pm »
My bf just said I could open online shop with all chocolates and flowers I'm getting, maybe that's an idea  ;D


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #46 on: 19 March 2015, 07:06:50 am »
I watch stuff on Netflix.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #47 on: 19 March 2015, 07:52:01 am »
My wifi is a tiny bit crap. I can watch Netflix but some days it will cut out every ten minutes.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #48 on: 19 March 2015, 09:07:51 am »
My bf just said I could open online shop with all chocolates and flowers I'm getting, maybe that's an idea  ;D

I have an online shop.

It's fun!!!  :D


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #49 on: 19 March 2015, 09:19:47 am »
My working hours are usually the same each day 9-130 and 430-10 so I have time dedicated to me. A couple times per week I get my trusty wellington boots on and go for long walks, sometimes take pictures, buy fresh eggs from a farm perhaps. Have lunch at a nice pub (mandatory lol). If I didn't get out and blow away the Cobweb's I'd be in a foul mood. I'm happier and healthier for it and my appetite for nookie is quite something after walking so bookings are particularly enjoyable too lol.

I read quite a lot too. Don Quixote - Torture in the wrong hands. My friend is battling through at 20pages per day maximum. He won't give up,I'm seeing extreme male frustration here lol  I've recently read Nicholas Shakespeare The Dancer Upstairs which was a page turner and not demanding but very good all the same. Daphne Due Laurier Jamaica Inn before that was quite good too and one I'd highly recommend is English Passengers Matthew Kneale. I didn't put it down  :)

The time I spend online is mostly constructive because I limit myself these days. I wasted lots of time working at a screen and  thankfully it doesn't need to be a huge part in my life now x


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #50 on: 19 March 2015, 10:26:34 am »
My wifi is a tiny bit crap. I can watch Netflix but some days it will cut out every ten minutes.

It might not be your wifi - take the faceplate off your master socket and try plugging your router straight into the test socket for a day or two (it'll be on the right hand side).

Mine was cutting out all the time and I thought it was just general cheap wifi crapness, but having rung the supplier they couldn't see any reason for it to be intermittent and suggested the faceplate needed replacing instead. They'll want to charge you ?60-80 to send an engineer out - I got one on Amazon for under a fiver and fixed it in about two minutes :).

Another thing I do during down time is DIY :D.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #51 on: 19 March 2015, 12:06:53 pm »
What is a master socket? LOL


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #52 on: 20 March 2015, 11:40:42 am »
As I work from my own home I have lots to be getting on with lol But I also bake cakes for various charity events, I make a lot of things on my new sewing machine and the past few weeks I've been doing a lot of charity fundraising. I could easily fit right  into the Womans Institute hahaha I never watch the tv during the day. It only goes on when hubby comes home from work which is really annoying lol And then my time is made up of looking after him while skirting around work.  I'm actually quite domesticated so never bored. I find my normal and working life blend in quite nicely. I know I'm going to get jumped on by the feminists but I like to do everything to make him happy at home then there's no need for him to go elsewhere. As us WG's know where a mans boredom can lead him  ;) So all in all I have no time to be bored xx
I have a certain way of being in this world, and I shall not, I shall not be moved


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #53 on: 24 March 2015, 04:52:51 pm »
My bf just said I could open online shop with all chocolates and flowers I'm getting, maybe that's an idea  ;D

I have an online shop.

It's fun!!!  :D

What do you sell?


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #54 on: 24 March 2015, 06:09:36 pm »
I'm going to be really immature here and say- trying to 100% games on my PS4  :-X My son comes home from school and asks why half a game is finished when I've been out all day at work, haha!

Green Carnation

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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #55 on: 25 March 2015, 09:11:22 pm »
I personally spend money on amazon, asos etc etc  ::)

Miss K xXx

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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #56 on: 25 March 2015, 10:03:21 pm »
Especially for those of us who work from a dedicated incall flat and actually go and sit there during out available hours... what are some things we can do to pass the time? I mean, I mostly sit and fuck around on the Internet. Sometime I read a bit. Every once in a while I will watch a movie. Why I don't do more reading and less clicky-clicky on Facebook, I couldn't tell you.

So, I could read more. I did bring my knitting bag into my work flat but for some reason I can't get into knitting again (I completed one half of one leg warmer. Perhaps I should attempt something a little more complicated to really occupy my mind. But then I will lose count of my stitches every time the phone rings with another TW.)

Sometimes I do some exercises with my free weights. I can do quite a lot of exercise throughout the day. I write down a group of exercises (ex: squats, bent-over rows, shoulder presses, push-ups) and tick off sets on the sheet of paper. I can get through 100 squats a day that way. Why don't I do this more often? Why do I just sit on my sofa (the least comfortable sofa in the world) and just surf the 'net?

I mean, I have all this free time. I could be accomplishing something with it! And I don't really do anything. Been reading War and Peace a few pages a day for months. I could have finished it by now if I were reading with the same dedication I had when I read Anna Karenina for a book club years ago. Hell, I could study a foreign language or something.

But I don't. I just post bollocks on here and look at pictures of cats on Facebook.

What do you guys do? Maybe you can inspire me.

Maybe we can encourage one another. Like, after we have our little moan on "Slow At The Minute Or Just Me?" we can come here and post little happy updates about how we've just mastered conjugating three new German verbs or have made some fantastic new fishing flies or completed a sock.

I have my own business that I started last summer that keeps me busy inbetween bookings but I've also just started PT sessions at the gym starting 3 days a week and then 4 and obviously I fanny about on the net aswell probably more often than I should x


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #57 on: 26 March 2015, 09:53:13 pm »
I think the problem is down to concentration. Like I said about knitting something complicated: I'm not going to be able to fully focus on anything. So, I need to think of things that can be done in little snippets. I'm really thinking I could improve my French or German or maybe learn Italian - something I've always thought I'd like to do. I think that sort of learning goes well in small snippets. Conjugate a verb... answer the phone... write out a few sentences about ordering in a restaurant... do a a paragraph of French newspaper... then go do some push-ups.... lather, rinse, repeat and before long I'll have made an impressive amount of progress.

Just by reading these forums can help. I learnt wat conjugate means lol  :) plus 4 other words just be researching that word. Is it bad that i didnt know what that word meant? Gosh i need to do more reading.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #58 on: 26 March 2015, 11:59:27 pm »
I think the problem is down to concentration. Like I said about knitting something complicated: I'm not going to be able to fully focus on anything. So, I need to think of things that can be done in little snippets. I'm really thinking I could improve my French or German or maybe learn Italian - something I've always thought I'd like to do. I think that sort of learning goes well in small snippets. Conjugate a verb... answer the phone... write out a few sentences about ordering in a restaurant... do a a paragraph of French newspaper... then go do some push-ups.... lather, rinse, repeat and before long I'll have made an impressive amount of progress.

Just by reading these forums can help. I learnt wat conjugate means lol  :) plus 4 other words just be researching that word. Is it bad that i didnt know what that word meant? Gosh i need to do more reading.

LOL! Don't worry - it's not a word you really run into unless you're about to conjugate a verb.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #59 on: 27 March 2015, 05:55:25 pm »
Join hotel reward schemes and earn loads of points for touring  ;D