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Author Topic: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored  (Read 35042 times)


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Especially for those of us who work from a dedicated incall flat and actually go and sit there during out available hours... what are some things we can do to pass the time? I mean, I mostly sit and fuck around on the Internet. Sometime I read a bit. Every once in a while I will watch a movie. Why I don't do more reading and less clicky-clicky on Facebook, I couldn't tell you.

So, I could read more. I did bring my knitting bag into my work flat but for some reason I can't get into knitting again (I completed one half of one leg warmer. Perhaps I should attempt something a little more complicated to really occupy my mind. But then I will lose count of my stitches every time the phone rings with another TW.)

Sometimes I do some exercises with my free weights. I can do quite a lot of exercise throughout the day. I write down a group of exercises (ex: squats, bent-over rows, shoulder presses, push-ups) and tick off sets on the sheet of paper. I can get through 100 squats a day that way. Why don't I do this more often? Why do I just sit on my sofa (the least comfortable sofa in the world) and just surf the 'net?

I mean, I have all this free time. I could be accomplishing something with it! And I don't really do anything. Been reading War and Peace a few pages a day for months. I could have finished it by now if I were reading with the same dedication I had when I read Anna Karenina for a book club years ago. Hell, I could study a foreign language or something.

But I don't. I just post bollocks on here and look at pictures of cats on Facebook.

What do you guys do? Maybe you can inspire me.

Maybe we can encourage one another. Like, after we have our little moan on "Slow At The Minute Or Just Me?" we can come here and post little happy updates about how we've just mastered conjugating three new German verbs or have made some fantastic new fishing flies or completed a sock.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #1 on: 14 March 2015, 01:49:15 am »
This is a really good idea. One of the things I find worst about doing incalls is the hanging around between clients. I always take a book and a few productive things to do but just find I can't settle down and actually do something - or I find myself looking at the clock every 2 minutes and fidgeting. I think I've cancelled bookings and left early nearly every time I've worked from a hotel, I just find it so mind numbingly boring and just want to go home.

I find yoga useful, it stops me feeling as fidgety and claustrophobic. I don't take my yoga mat as it's a bit bulky to carry around but I use a clean towel instead. The type of yoga I tend to do is ashtanga which is fairly fast moving so quite a good cardiovascular workout and you learn set sequences to practice (I'm sure there are loads on youtube for working out different parts of the body).

Apart from that I find I just can't settle down and focus on anything ??? so I usually end up planning what I need to get on my way home, what I'm going to have for dinner, writing a list of stuff to do, ordering things I need online (tesco food orders etc.), replying to texts and emails I'd forgotten about, planning trips to see my parents.. boring stuff like that but then I at least feel like I've actually achieved something rather than just watching daytime TV.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #2 on: 14 March 2015, 07:47:47 am »
I think the problem is down to concentration. Like I said about knitting something complicated: I'm not going to be able to fully focus on anything. So, I need to think of things that can be done in little snippets. I'm really thinking I could improve my French or German or maybe learn Italian - something I've always thought I'd like to do. I think that sort of learning goes well in small snippets. Conjugate a verb... answer the phone... write out a few sentences about ordering in a restaurant... do a a paragraph of French newspaper... then go do some push-ups.... lather, rinse, repeat and before long I'll have made an impressive amount of progress.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #3 on: 14 March 2015, 07:55:22 am »
I also find it difficult to concentrate on doing anything constructive. I do sometimes cam while waiting for bookings but that's even worse. Waiting for a cam booking while waiting for an incall booking. I usually play word games on the Internet which helps improve my brain a little. I have also had little comfort in the flat at the moment as the couch is only being delivered today, so have been breaking my back in camping chairs. My plan was to excersise while waiting so I hopefully will put that into practice, I have also been learning French on and off for a while so think I will get back into that. Thanks for the prompt Fabulassie.
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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #4 on: 14 March 2015, 08:02:42 am »
Hi guys,

I was speaking to a close friend the other day who is in the profession and she does the Incall waiting around for clients from a hotel most weeks, and as I don't I actually asked the above question to her ' what do you do whilst waiting around for clients when you get bored? '

Before I say what she does I just want to say 'If you knew the girl this would come as a surprise as she comes across very ditzy and even admits it that she does the " I'm a blonde thing " ' ( she is a close friend so I'm allowed to say it  ;D ;D ;D)

She does online courses and not just basic ones, she's done IOSH managing safely, nebosh General and she is part way through doing her nebosh international!!!! - my hubby's in this profession and even he said he couldn't believe she has done these and he was gobsmacked !

My opinion is if she can do it why not girls who are bored just do a few courses online? Gets ya brain working plus she's at a age where she's over 40 and even said she loves the profession she is in now and doesn't want to leave it! But her words " least I've got something to talk about when clients think I'm just a blonde ! " - you go girl!

So online courses when you are bored? They do cost but I'm sure you guys maybe able to put aside a few quid, I might even do one too! Just a thought x


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #5 on: 14 March 2015, 08:56:49 am »
I was in the same sitation, lots of free time but not quality free time because i had to be available. So i can't get into anything too deep because when i would get into craft projects like you said, if a client rang you'd mess it up OR be so involved in getting it finished. Can't really go see friends incase you have to dash every so often. Can't sit on your bum on the internet all day etc.

- Being the workaholic i am i set about making an online business. It keeps me busy on the side. Just selling things here and there on ebay. It's a great opportunity to work on other businesses becaues you have to stay at home so you might as well do something productive with it. Save up even a couple hundred & get the ball rolling with selling something.

- Plus yea topping up beaty regimes. I learnt how to do my own eyelash extensions which look good. Excersize etc.

- Cooking super decent meals for that day.

- Errands that can be done over the phone / online such as bill paying etc

« Last Edit: 14 March 2015, 10:26:28 am by Ieaio »


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #6 on: 14 March 2015, 11:50:06 am »
I work mainly on short notice bookings but I really can't sit in all day. I wondered whether others do as I tend to work on a 7 day basis but not all day. Yes I do watch a bit of daytime TV but also every day I either go for hourish walk in the park, meet a friend sometimes for lunch, go shopping (too much as I tend to buy), pick niece up from school, things like that but a few times this week I've had calls from people wanting a meet in the next half hr or hr and I've been out. If I say I could meet you in an hour and a half or two hours time they say it's too late. The only other option is to work say 4 days and sit in all day and have the other 3 off but that doesn't appeal to me as much and I could lose out on regs who are sometimes more flexible but only slightly. Window of opportunity and all that.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #7 on: 14 March 2015, 12:23:11 pm »
My problem is when I'm sitting in and I've no bookings so I'm waiting for the phone to ring, I can't get into anything/
concentrate on anything coz if I do and then the phone DOES ring, I'm that engrossed in whatever i'm doing, I go
"Ah f-off, not now, i'm busy" lol, which is totally ridiculous, I know, but it gets me totally out of the zone (if I was lucky
enough to be in one on a quiet day  ;))
So I tend to just try and either fuck about on here, watch a bit of rubbish telly, try and keep busy with things around the house,
god I don't even know WHAT I do all day ?!
As long as it doesn't involve anything that involves my complete and total attention, coz then I tend to ignore the phone
and think "I'll get back to them when i'm finished with this", but by then, of course, it's too late..  ;)
I don't have to be perfect, but I'm perfect at being me!


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #8 on: 14 March 2015, 03:21:35 pm »
Fabulasse ,,,,, just had to say your post made me giggle, the bit about "posting bollocks and looking at cats" ...................Mine is funny clips on You Tube of cats and dogs (as have one of each) do this at home as can't get decent internet connection at flat

Although I have an in-call flat I don't sit waiting for work (maybe I should as I often miss jobs cause they want to book NOW !! and I need 15 - 20 min's to get there, get changed etc), but the few times I've decided to sit in my flat and wait I am BORED ABSOLUTELY SENSELESS, plus my OH is at home so I would rather be there with him and just end up coming home (am considering working from home but that's another issue which I'll look on here for more advise - all advise gladly received  ;D)

I can always guarantee as soon as I am nearly home my phone will ring  :FF lol

For those who can get internet, might be worth going on a website called 'Loquax' which has hundreds of competitions you can enter, I've been entering comps on Loquax for about 3 years and have won all sorts, best prize ever was ?1000 in a WD40 comp and a weeks holiday in Malta but I've also won clothes, booze, food and small electrical items so at least you could possibly win something  :)

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #9 on: 14 March 2015, 04:14:26 pm »
If you like Russian literature I strongly suggest The Master and Margareta!!!! Because it is breathtaking and once you open it you won't be able to close it until you've finished! It's a masterpiece, completely different from War and Peace style:) Enjoy! That novel is just amazing!


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #10 on: 14 March 2015, 05:32:33 pm »
you always have the best thread ideas  ;D

I made an online store (just a lil side business) i upload items on there daily. I nap (ALOT) as the sex wears me out so I'll take power naps.

I write and mess around online  :D


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #11 on: 14 March 2015, 05:35:07 pm »
If you like Russian literature I strongly suggest The Master and Margareta!!!! Because it is breathtaking and once you open it you won't be able to close it until you've finished! It's a masterpiece, completely different from War and Peace style:) Enjoy! That novel is just amazing!

I read it years ago! Its unputdownable!
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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #12 on: 15 March 2015, 06:37:34 am »
I spend time enjoying selective Sky TV channels e.g. crime drama programmes and sometimes the news (until it bangs on about wars for too long) in between housework and spiritual reading but yes a lot of time is lost waiting on business and sometimes I think I should sit down and learn a language or do something more useful and interesting with my spare hours here and there but just when I get thinking about it I realise a ton of washing is waiting for me or the emails roll in and I am busy again ....!


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #13 on: 15 March 2015, 08:31:13 am »
Like Sciorce, I think I struggle with being in one mindset or the other. I am either in whore mode or ... whatever else mode. When it's busy it's easy to just stay in whore mode all day. When it's slow, I find it very hard. But if it's going to be slow I may as well try to do something constructive with the time.

I have just started learning Italian via duolingo. It's got quick and easy little lessons that are fun to do. I've ordered at text book, as well, because I like to have vocabulary and verbs and shit like that organised so that I can write them down.

Italian is not exactly a language I see myself using much. I guess it will just be something fun to do.

I should probably do a bit more housework each day. Getting up off my ass (out of that uncomfortable sofa) can't hurt.


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Re: Things To Do (Besides Dusting Your Phone) When You Are Bored
« Reply #14 on: 15 March 2015, 08:50:03 am »
So many great ideas here. I did start a a little up cycling furniture business a little while ago but that fell by the way side when I started in this business. I think I will get back into that again. At least chalk paint doesn't smell the place out and can be left mid job. I also did a correspondence course in proffesional stress consultancy, think I will upgrade that.
Great thread.
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