My problem is when I'm sitting in and I've no bookings so I'm waiting for the phone to ring, I can't get into anything/
concentrate on anything coz if I do and then the phone DOES ring, I'm that engrossed in whatever i'm doing, I go
"Ah f-off, not now, i'm busy" lol, which is totally ridiculous, I know, but it gets me totally out of the zone (if I was lucky
enough to be in one on a quiet day

So I tend to just try and either fuck about on here, watch a bit of rubbish telly, try and keep busy with things around the house,
god I don't even know WHAT I do all day ?!
As long as it doesn't involve anything that involves my complete and total attention, coz then I tend to ignore the phone
and think "I'll get back to them when i'm finished with this", but by then, of course, it's too late..