I got an email from these people advertising their directory, thought I'd check it out. Scrolled down and got to the part where they mentioned for their free ads you could email them your photo if they didn't have one already. Went to the site and, sure enough, there's an advert up for Krystal. Not Krystal Champagne, so there's strike one (I'm picky about my name
). My number's listed, no picture. No link to my website either. So my number is on a website where I have no control over it, without picture, rules or services, or any way of finding me. Not impressive!
I've emailed them to ask them to remove it as if their site gets any traffic at all this is gonna be timewaster bait, so we'll see what happens there. If any ladies in the North East want to check it out, there were a few names there that I recognised and I'm assuming they were stolen details as very few have pictures (only two that I saw have a photo up).