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Author Topic: rain rain and punter go away!  (Read 2789 times)


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rain rain and punter go away!
« on: 24 August 2013, 01:47:55 pm »
Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #1 on: 24 August 2013, 02:14:20 pm »
Pestering calls always put me off. If its someone call's me any more than 3, 4 at a push times in a short space of time I usually don't bother getting back to them cause it makes me think they were NEEDING an EMERGANCY appointment which I don't do anyway.

If its similar to the situation you just described, that's just pestering and harassing and I think that's a bad state to get anyone in just before a booking so I wouldn't bother seeing them either. Its not your fault they turned up early. You allocated and both agreed on a time so you were clearly expecting him at that time so for him to be early he could always ring once or twice or even send a text to say "I'm a bit early, ready when you are" I think that's acceptable but definitely not harassing you. Its always times like this that you ruin your stockings lol.

I had a guy book me a day in advance for 9am the following morning (I don't start till 11am but I don't mind starting early with prior notice) then he let me down after me being up mega early and ready looking like I am going on a nite out as I always look for my clients cause my pictures were taken on me on nites out so if they expect to see the girl in my pics I have to make the effort as I obviously don't roll out of bed like that. So big hair, all the make up, shower, tan etc at 9AM so for him to let me down I was really pissed off. Then yesterday he phones me for a fairly short notice appointment it was 5pm when he phoned, I offered him 6.30 he said no I cant be there before 7 I say sure no problem I will see you at 7 so send him the address. Then 45 minutes later he texts me saying whens the earliest you can see me? I said 7pm cause that's when I was expecting you so I wont be ready till then. He said I am nearly there though (Its 6.15pm so 45 minutes early for his appointment) I said Oh well you've had a wasted journey as I am no longer interested, you let me down once before, I gave you a second chance and offered you a specific time which you declined and said you couldn't make it before 7 now 45 minutes later on an appointment that was already short notice you tell me that your almost here and I am nowhere near ready. I said your a pest and your making it very awkward. I said when meeting's start off bad like that, they usually only go down hill from there which is something I'd rather avoid, also said I find it intimidating when welcoming a complete stranger into my house to engage in those sort of services who has given me nothing but hassle so the booking is cancelled.

I just have really low tolerance levels for wasters, pests, ignorant, arrogant, rude, crude people yet I am still very busy as there ARE plenty DECENT clients out there who wont give you any hassle so I just stick to them.

« Last Edit: 24 August 2013, 02:18:07 pm by Pink~Princess »


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #2 on: 24 August 2013, 02:49:19 pm »
Then 45 minutes later he texts me saying whens the earliest you can see me? I said 7pm cause that's when I was expecting you so I wont be ready till then. He said I am nearly there though (Its 6.15pm so 45 minutes early for his appointment) I said Oh well you've had a wasted journey as I am no longer interested, you let me down once before, I gave you a second chance and offered you a specific time which you declined and said you couldn't make it before 7 now 45 minutes later on an appointment that was already short notice you tell me that your almost here and I am nowhere near ready. I said your a pest and your making it very awkward. I said when meeting's start off bad like that, they usually only go down hill from there which is something I'd rather avoid, also said I find it intimidating when welcoming a complete stranger into my house to engage in those sort of services who has given me nothing but hassle so the booking is cancelled.

I just have really low tolerance levels for wasters, pests, ignorant, arrogant, rude, crude people yet I am still very busy as there ARE plenty DECENT clients out there who wont give you any hassle so I just stick to them.


I wouldn't have given him a second chance at an appointment, but more to the point, why didn't you just say I can only see you at 7, so you will have to wait until then, instead of cancelling the appointment entirely?

Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???

Personally I think its fine if a guy is earlier and lets you know on the off-chance that you're ready, but he shouldn't expect you to just see him earlier just because he happens to be early. I have noticed that some clients just don't realise that we're not just sitting and waiting for them in a perfectly ready state  ::)

Usually I would just take the call, because it saves stress for you and him if you both know what is going on. Sometimes the client that has booked an appointment might be ringing constantly not because they are a lil bit odd, but because they think that you not answering your phone is an indication that you are going to mess them around. So they get paranoid and panic, and want reassurance that you will be keeping the appointment.

Now if it's just a random calling and texting like crazy... well then thats when you put them on block because thats just weiiird.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #3 on: 24 August 2013, 02:58:36 pm »
Then 45 minutes later he texts me saying whens the earliest you can see me? I said 7pm cause that's when I was expecting you so I wont be ready till then. He said I am nearly there though (Its 6.15pm so 45 minutes early for his appointment) I said Oh well you've had a wasted journey as I am no longer interested, you let me down once before, I gave you a second chance and offered you a specific time which you declined and said you couldn't make it before 7 now 45 minutes later on an appointment that was already short notice you tell me that your almost here and I am nowhere near ready. I said your a pest and your making it very awkward. I said when meeting's start off bad like that, they usually only go down hill from there which is something I'd rather avoid, also said I find it intimidating when welcoming a complete stranger into my house to engage in those sort of services who has given me nothing but hassle so the booking is cancelled.

I just have really low tolerance levels for wasters, pests, ignorant, arrogant, rude, crude people yet I am still very busy as there ARE plenty DECENT clients out there who wont give you any hassle so I just stick to them.


I wouldn't have given him a second chance at an appointment, but more to the point, why didn't you just say I can only see you at 7, so you will have to wait until then, instead of cancelling the appointment entirely?

Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???

Personally I think its fine if a guy is earlier and lets you know on the off-chance that you're ready, but he shouldn't expect you to just see him earlier just because he happens to be early. I have noticed that some clients just don't realise that we're not just sitting and waiting for them in a perfectly ready state  ::)

Usually I would just take the call, because it saves stress for you and him if you both know what is going on. Sometimes the client that has booked an appointment might be ringing constantly not because they are a lil bit odd, but because they think that you not answering your phone is an indication that you are going to mess them around. So they get paranoid and panic, and want reassurance that you will be keeping the appointment.

Now if it's just a random calling and texting like crazy... well then thats when you put them on block because thats just weiiird.

I gave him a second chance because although he let me down he did send a text to cancel and did apologise, things do happen at the last minute so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Reason why I cancelled completely is cause he was being awkward . I offered him a specific time which he declined, then cause he decided he wanted to be early so asked when the earliest was that I could see him, I told him 7 and he said I'm nearly there though? As if to say, really do I have to wait till 7 when I'm nearly there (45 minutes early on a short notice appointment as it was) Then with the fact he messed me around before then was being an awkward pain in the arse this time I just decided I wasn't interested.

So basically I cancelled cause I thought he's irritating me, I didn't think we'd get on in person. i'm not desperate for the money so would rather do without it than meet him.



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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #4 on: 24 August 2013, 03:03:41 pm »
Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???

The way this was read that the booking phoned 20 minutes early you ignored his calls. I can imagine how sexually frustrated they get. So in the end his call was ignored, so in other words you built his hopes up for some sexual fun. Only to realize that because you was running late that he suffers. That isn't fair. When I take bookings if need to go out at least make them aware that you might be late. On a few occasions when I had an appointment getting my nails done and they wanted a booking before this. I went on to explain that it would be a punctual service on this occasion. So they have the choice with no come backs on me. When out I always give appointments two hours ahead. That way I will have plenty of time should anything unannounced croped up.


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2013, 03:08:26 pm »
Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???

Well as I posted before I would have acted differently by just answering in the first place... but when you decided you weren't going to see him you should have at least text him to tell him that.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #6 on: 24 August 2013, 03:14:30 pm »

Reason why I cancelled completely is cause he was being awkward . I offered him a specific time which he declined, then cause he decided he wanted to be early so asked when the earliest was that I could see him, I told him 7 and he said I'm nearly there though? As if to say, really do I have to wait till 7 when I'm nearly there (45 minutes early on a short notice appointment as it was) Then with the fact he messed me around before then was being an awkward pain in the arse this time I just decided I wasn't interested.

So basically I cancelled cause I thought he's irritating me, I didn't think we'd get on in person. i'm not desperate for the money so would rather do without it than meet him.


I mean I disagree with your decision, but it is yours to make and I respect that.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #7 on: 24 August 2013, 04:19:36 pm »
Had a new client book me for just half an hour today. very polite on the phone, all good etc.  In the meantime (he booked at half 9am for 11.45) we had the most torrential downpour.  Horrible! it delayed me a little because I'd had to go to the high street for a few bits, and pretty as the paving stones in the high street are, if you are not wearing the right footwear, it's very slippery and you can easily end up on your bum! So a 10 min journey took 20 because of course I didn't have the right footwear.  So I got back just 20 minutes before the booking.  Drenched to the skin, make up gone south, hair not attractive to put it mildly.  Not ideal but do-able, just.
Except the moment I got in, the client started ringing.  So a full 20 minutes early.  I was in no position to take the call at that moment, but I did think to myself 'not gonna leave the poor fellah in that' (though there is plenty of shelter out there actually) 'when he calls back i'll say he is welcome to come in early but I'm not ready yet and he'll have to wait, but very welcome to do so in dry'
But he didn't call back because he did not stop ringing!  My phone was on vibrate but i could hear it and he just let it ring.  constantly.  non-stop.  I know exactly the point I realised that even if he had a 10" solid gold cock that was mine to cut off and keep on top, of the fee, I was still not seeing him.  It was minute 17 (so still 3 minutes before the appointment time) and in panic stricken haste put my nail through a 2nd pair of new stockings, yep that was the precise moment. >:(
He continued calling for 25 minutes after appointment time. so 45 mins in total and a total of 4 calls - with max 1 min break in between. I dont have voicemail so I suppose he is free to call as long as he wants, but what was he trying to achieve?

Or is it me?  I realise I'm in the running lately for grouchiest ho of the year - but is that reasonable? ???

The way this was read that the booking phoned 20 minutes early you ignored his calls. I can imagine how sexually frustrated they get. So in the end his call was ignored, so in other words you built his hopes up for some sexual fun. Only to realize that because you was running late that he suffers. That isn't fair. When I take bookings if need to go out at least make them aware that you might be late. On a few occasions when I had an appointment getting my nails done and they wanted a booking before this. I went on to explain that it would be a punctual service on this occasion. So they have the choice with no come backs on me. When out I always give appointments two hours ahead. That way I will have plenty of time should anything unannounced croped up.

Wow unless ive missed something she wasn't running late, HE was early. Theres a big difference. But with her perhaps cutting her time fine and him harassing non stop all that did was stress her out.

I agree she should have texted him at some point to say that she wasn't going to see him and give her reasons as to why.

I think although we all have different opinions (world would be a boring place if we were all the same) and although we all work differently and have different standards as to whats acceptable and what isn't, I think some people are far too opinionated in a way which is of no help to the OP.

Meeitngdiversity we all know you wouldn't cancel a booking or end a booking UNLESS the guy was physically aggressive with you and that's absolutely your call/your decision but I think sometimes you need to realise that OUR reasons for cancelling/ending/avoiding a certain client or appointment are OUR decisions weather YOU think its wrong or not. You always come across as if your angry with the decisions other escorts make when it comes to cancelling or not taking an appointment. Girls in this industry should stick together as we're all faced with the same shit day after day, not go against each other. Seen an awful lot of that lately (not on this forum)

We're not all great at dealing with confrontation or dealing with these guys in person. Some are far better at dealing with it than others. Personally I freak out at the thought of coming face to face with a bad client (I have done before and it was so scary, left me in tears) so I try to avoid it. I don't know if you've ever been attacked by a client? Well I have and its not a nice thing. Ive been in the business for 2 years but started getting back panic attacks 1 year ago, the job defo triggered them so when I cancel a person its cause they have given me good reason to (in my mind)

Also a lot of girls don't mind an awkward atmosphere where as some (like me) do so I try to avoid all situations which might be awkward, intimidating, unpleasant, weird or scary. Doesn't make me a bad person or a bad escort.

« Last Edit: 24 August 2013, 05:50:10 pm by Pink~Princess »


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #8 on: 24 August 2013, 04:22:11 pm »

Reason why I cancelled completely is cause he was being awkward . I offered him a specific time which he declined, then cause he decided he wanted to be early so asked when the earliest was that I could see him, I told him 7 and he said I'm nearly there though? As if to say, really do I have to wait till 7 when I'm nearly there (45 minutes early on a short notice appointment as it was) Then with the fact he messed me around before then was being an awkward pain in the arse this time I just decided I wasn't interested.

So basically I cancelled cause I thought he's irritating me, I didn't think we'd get on in person. i'm not desperate for the money so would rather do without it than meet him.


I mean I disagree with your decision, but it is yours to make and I respect that.

Ah I see  :) Yeah as I say I just have low tolerance for people being a pain in the arse for whatever reason. I just like things to go as smoothly as possible. I have much more tolerance for people I have met before because I know what they are like in person. When its someone ive never met I do get very anxious so when something doesn't go to plan I tend to cancel. Not sure if its low tolerance or bad anxiety actually  ::)



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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #9 on: 24 August 2013, 06:10:43 pm »

Hiya all and thanks for the opinions.  I don't think anyone would say I dealt with this well (least of all me) and without doubt, I should have just picked the phone up if only to scream 'stop fucking ringing.  I know you're there, I'll call as soon as can!' but perhaps in slightly nicer terms. :P
I'd gone into panic loony stress woman! I really think, if he'd just rung a normal amount (say 7 to 10 rings) then left it 5 minutes, I would have picked up the phone next time, pointed out he was VERY early (believe me, it's not my idea of fun to leave some poor guy out in the rain) but the sheer relentlessness of it, pushed me into stress loony woman mode.  No, I didn't deal well.  No excuse.  But at same time, 45 minutes virtually continually calling me?  ~Would he not have been wiser to call then text something like 'know i'm early but its so wet. any chance I can wait inside?'
would have been completely different outcome, i'm sure.
As it is, I probably did him a favour.  he saved money on what would have been a hideous booking.  I don't do early! x


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #10 on: 24 August 2013, 06:13:34 pm »
Yeah I think your right when you say he saved money on probably a hideous booking, that's what I meant when I said if something starts off bad it usually goes down hill from there. Nothing worse than being mega stressed out just before a booking nevermind it being the client who has made you so stressed x


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #11 on: 24 August 2013, 06:28:50 pm »
I'd have just picked up, said I was getting ready and would call him back when I was ready. All the poor guy was doing was calling as soon as he arrived.

Ok it was strange of him to phone continuously but as far as he was concerned he'd arrived for his appointment and to leave him stood there for 20 minutes or whatever after the appointment time, well I'd have been getting fairly irrate.

Yes it can make us feel hassled if we are trying to get ready but your mishaps aren't the customer's fault, and technically not his concern. Sometimes I've had everything in my day go wrong, client arrives at the wrong time, feels like I just don't want to bother. Get client through door, smiles on and into service provider mode, and I find everything drops into place, including a genuine smile which lifts the mood. I remember this every time I think "Oh bloody hell everything's just going wrong, why do I bother". End up having a good time, earn some money, happy client goes away smile on face and I think "job well done, pat on back".


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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #12 on: 24 August 2013, 07:03:33 pm »
Yes, I think everyone realises mistakes were made on both sides.

I think it is important to ensure we have everything ready for the next day of bookings the evening before at least.

I don't work from my home and each day I am working I always ensure that everything is ready for my next day of work before I leave the premises.  I just have to arrive all showered up and put on lingerie, stockings and whatever im wearing on top.  Finish off with freshening up make up and im ready.  I wouldn't dream of going out for any errands before a booking, these sort of things I do at the end of my work, the day previous to it actually being needed.

I think the most important thing to take from the situation the OP found herself in today is REMEMBER AND NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN.   I think it is that simple.

When it comes to work I am usually a very organised person, outside of work and that's another story, but if Im expecting to earn from something then I have to put in the work too.

Hope the rest of your evening is good OP.

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Re: rain rain and punter go away!
« Reply #13 on: 25 August 2013, 08:14:44 pm »
If my clients call early I pick up and say ?Hello Earlybird!? some will then apologise and ask if they should come back at the scheduled time (Uh, Yes!) some don?t get the hint and ask to be buzzed up! I then politely ask them to go away from the door and come back at the scheduled time.
I hate it when they lurk about close to my in call. I see them around here (my area is a hive of Ho-type activity), sticking out like a sore thumb. I look and laugh at their impatience (can?t help it) they should just walk around the block or browse around a shop or go to a caf?? ...just don't stand about in your suit on the street, holding a briefcase!
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