Did I mention that most Dutch people speak English!? I am not complaining, I don't feel like I am working really, my busiest day was 3 clients, spaced respectably apart, and even include being taken to dinner. The rates are lower of course, markets and all. But hey I am basically home all day, doing the shopping, my daughters laundry (weeks of it!), and puttering around the place, and getting paid. There should be laws against this. And the only reason I am managing three, is I stop working at 8pm! I can't be asked, and after 4pm, I only do escorts, because my lil darling is coming home. Oh did I mention I start at 12pm?I am working the escort version of banking hours.
But seriously advertising here is, if not cheap, then free, and there are hundreds of sites! I mean if I could be bothered to actually pay for any advertising, I would be loads busier. I'll try that next week. Just to see if I can cut down my working days. I know lazy cow.

But really if anyone wants to come this way, just for a weekend to try it all out, and maybe make a bit of mad money and be able to get stoned as well, all legal, then drop me a PM, and I would be more than happy to help you out.
Oh that furry thing in the photo is the resident Fluffball.
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