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Author Topic: Is is possible to meet someone special from escorting??? This is soo strange..  (Read 4818 times)


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I don't know where to start really.... I am switched on and was not on the look out for a man... far from it... but....

I took a call just over a week ago, and spent some time talking to the chap.... wow he sounded nice... he was a newbie... and it was going to be an outcall, he wanted to check how the process went... liked my pics etc.... anyway coming to the end of the call... he said "you sound lovely and I wish I had meet you whilst out or in the other world", must say, I kinda had the same rumble going on... so I giggled and started to winde down the convo... however, he said "listen can we leave the escorting, I want to meet you, are you free tomo?" as it happened we were both going to be travelling down the M56 late afternoon... so I agreed... I knew I was going to like him... there was just that something going on... and it appeared to be a two way.... anyway... we met... I watched him pull in and  thought.... yikkessss.... yes... we had the coffee etc and all appeared mutal (body language) and we pecked cheeks and left... he called later and asked could he get into my personal phone, I agreed... anyway since.. we have been on a dinner date... we have spent the night together... (no sex) and all is wonderful... he asks where I am today... what plans I am making and all is open and honest..... which I imagine is the only way to go to make a relationship work at the same time as escorting.... anyway I have not seen any clients since last friday and today is thursday.... he knew/knows I plan to meet clients today and tomo.  Last night he really wanted to become sexual... and I felt it was because he wanted to get there first (before my booking on thurs).... and I mentioned it, he said yes it was... he felt that as I had not been active but was planning to, it was the best time... of course we both cuddled and kissed and both agreed that it was going to be hard to have a relationship and that I felt we both needed to walk away and think.... the gent that he is.. he said that he did not want to leave me on that note... but both being mature and open... I said that I felt it was fair to both of us to have feelings and share them and of course there was lots to think about... he kissed me and said take care.... I am a little empty this morning...... but the other part of me wants to get back on track and after all we only met just over a week ago... but on saying that, it felt very very special.... something that does not come along often.... Soooo I guess I am asking/wondering...... how do you girls have a relationship... how do boyfriends get throu this? or is this a go it alone thing.... I soo was not looking for a relationship right now even though I have been ready  for the last few years and even joined a dating site, but would you believe I have not been pro active for 6 months really... far from it... its when your not looking huh.... Sorry, as this most certainly is a blather and babble.  It would be nice to know how others manage and how the guys get their heads around it... one of the things he has said this week, was that he was/is happy to back off whilst I do what I need to and then for me to call him when I am done... he has also said he would never ask me not to do it as that has to be my choice, but of course he would prefer I did not do it at all. Mmmmmm ponder ponder... will he call me.... ;-/

What is your spin on this guys.... a little confused and a little sad I guess... but I could just keep myself busy. ;-)


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Please read this thread before you start cooing over the possibility of a Pretty Woman ending.


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Oh dear.. I'll probably be shot down for being an' old cynic, but I have to agree with Violette in referring you to a former thread on the subject ..
It's just how I see the situation when a similar scenario presents itself -  and most of us Escorts at one time or another have Clients/would-be clients that would rather have us as a girlfriend than have to pay for it, Ta very much!  ::)
 For many guys, having a sexually adventerous girlfriend who probably also looks great on your arm and can hold down a conversation about travel/religion/politics ( as most of can on this dear Forum  :) ) is a dream come true!  I mean, how many of us have clients who's wife/girlfriends are not interested in sex anymore ?
I believe there are men out there who target Escorts for partner/marriage material as any other man would a dating site ( lots of my clients grumble that dating sites are a huge waste of time, money and effort when it comes to bedding a woman.. :-\ )
Someone on here once mentioned a punternet thread that gave tips to fellas on how to con Escorts into free sex, though I missed it myself.
There could be plenty of girls coming on with a more positive view of your budding relationship MEOR and I AM a million, billion miles away from EVER wanting another relationship myself, so my view could be tainted by that?
Anyone who comes out with the "Lets forget about Escorting.." line ( and it happens about once a week over the phone with prospective clients and at least twice a week with my regulars ..) gets put firmly in their place.. :P


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Hello MEQR!

This is SUCH a difficult one. Just a background on my own situ, and then I will tell you why what you have described above made me a bit "hmmmmmm".

I have been seeing an ex-client for nearly 18 months now  :o and I want to marry the bugger. We met in 2008, he was my client for about 2 months, then he went away for a month for work, and we kept in touch through my initiation. When he came back he started only wanting to go for coffee and football matches and stuff. I was a bit bewildered, but also kind of pleased because I fancied the pants off of him and didn't like having sex with him for money. I also like football and coffee, so bonus really.

I was INCREDIBLY wary about the whole thing. I was certain he was after hot sexy sex with an escort, and I was really torn in two about what to do. I came on here for advice too!

My mind was made up when he bought me a simple understated valentines card and just stood there with an embarrassed grin on his face. It felt completely different to the times on valentines day that I had had big lavish bunches of roses or cases of wine arrive from clients when were a bit unstable (these instances had scared me a bit to be honest). With him, this little card with one line written in it and a blushing, sweating man an standing at my door looking like he was about to leg it through embarrassment left me as embarrassed as he was, but chuffed. I invited him in for a snog and a cuppa, and he left.

I then made him wait about 2 months before jumping in the sack  ;D and bless him he never pushed it! We had a proper old fashioned dating period (which was bizarre when we both knew how much we enjoyed shagging one another, ha!) but it worked this way. It was TOTALLY different to how it had been as client-escort when we did eventually.

All the while, he knew I was working, and would say "text me when you get in so I know you're safe" and nothing more, which he still does now.

It hasn't all been a bed of roses, we argue about so many normal mundane things we are like an old married bickering couple. I do know however that ALL of these bickerings the normal sorts of arguments that couples have, and not in the slightest related to escorting. I know his faults, he knows mine- being in the kind of relationship where he knows I have sex for money and he has paid for sex (and god, paid me for sex, awkward!), means that very quickly you kind of have nothing to hide and can be honest to the most brutal degree, which as we all know having dealt with client after client saying "we don't talk anymore" about their wife, it is VERY important to be able to keep the communication flowing!

*Sappy bit alert* (ladies of a rolling eye nature, please look away now): We have taught each other how to compromise. We have learned that despite difficulties, when you've got it good it is worth working at. *Soppy bit over*

And to those of you who have said "he is using you" to me on many an occasion - 18 months on, when I have my cushion throwing, dinner on the floor dropping and storming off to broody PMT episodes, he reminds me "I hope this proves to you that I am not in it for the escort reason. I could have a LOT less hassle going and paying for someone, but I don't I stick around for this because I bloody love you!!" and although I am fuming about something insignificant at the time, I kinda like hearing this. He knows how to find sex quickly, and can afford it, and so me being Grump Queen and him still sticking around is the best proof I have that he isn't just in it for sex with a Sexay Lay-dee.

And the difference betweeen him and clients I am fond of? I am fond of them. I like them, I enjoy spending time with them. The two BIGGEST differences- 1)the sex with them is not me. It is me in a role, serving them and their wants and desires. It can be sexy, but it is never, ever intimate. 2)I would miss their money if they ever stopped being a client. With my man, I didn't think about losing the money I made from him as a client for a second.


After that ramble. Your situation!

At the end of the day, I don't believe that it is NEVER the case that you can meet someone on this job and like each other (obviously!) BUT I do believe that you are likely to be The Perfect Woman in about 500 men's eyes, becuase they fall for the escort you, which is of course one hour of brilliant, sexy, cute actress. They don't know the real you.

Having tried to get to meet you without paying from the very first phonecall made me think "hmmmmmm" about your guy here. Maybe it means that he doesn't want to taint what could be a relationship with paid for sex. Maybe. Or maybe it means that he does this a lot with escorts on the first phone call because he thinks if he does it enough, he will meet someone who he thinks is Sexay Lay-dee because she is an escort.

The fact that you have spent some time together without sex is a good sign. But a week isn't long!!! A week is not enough time to get to know someone, it is enough time for our hormones to have a good confusing swim in our heads, and nothing more really. We are talking a good month to make someone we really like wait so we know he likes us, and at least 2 for this man who has approached you in the way he has! At least.

I know I am here on my ivory tower after what I have just described above, but if I have only one piece of advice, it is TAKE THINGS SLOWLY. Test him gently. Say you can't see him when you have already arranged a date together because you have a booking. See how he reacts. Arrange to meet him after a day of bookings and then don't do anything in the slightest bit sexual with him. See if he is fine with it or gets huffy. If he gets huffy, ask him why. You have nothing to lose being totally up front and honest, but you have a lot to lose by ignoring the "how you met bit of this situation.

He needs to prove two things: 1) that he hasn't cherry picked himself an escort so he can get free sex with her, and 2) that he understands you are a Real Person who acts a role at work, and that he sure as hell ain't getting an escort as a potential partner. He is getting a woman who is an escort for other men. Not him.

The first thing I would suggest. Go for a cuppa, sit down, and tell him all of the reasons this rings alarm bells with you. He wants a free shag with an escort being the biggest alarm bell I hope! See how he responds. Is he happy to talk about this very awkward set of issues? What does he say in response to it? If he can have a proper, grown up and level conversation about this, then you are onto a good start. And then take it so slowly that he gets bored if all he is after is free sex. If he is after the real you, he will wait til flippin' christmas.

Sorry about The Longest Post In History, but this is a tricky one and I wanted to give both sides.  ;D

« Last Edit: 30 September 2010, 12:39:27 pm by Carla »


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he has also said he would never ask me not to [work] as that has to be my choice, but of course he would prefer I did not do it at all.

And did you also talk about whether or not you'd prefer him to stop punting? Or would him sticking to sensual massage with happy endings be okay? Perhaps just a weekly wank over some AW profiles? Or is he going to expect you to provide him with all the sex he needs? Or is it just you that is expected to compromise your entire job/life/income for this potential relationship? If he wants you to stop escorting, tell him to quit his job first and see what he says. :)

He sounds like he's playing at romance by numbers, a la Hollywood rom-coms, and it all seems a bit creepy to me, especially with the added bonus of pushy sexual advances (wanting to get in before your clients?! WTF? You're not a 'thing' that becomes tainted with use, for god's sake). But then again, I am not romantic at all and think it's all entirely silly, and I rarely get emotional just because a bloke did something cute. In fact, all this cavorting around with someone you don't even know for something that probably won't even last is a complete mystery to me.

(Sorry, Carla. ;D)

Get to know him as a friend for a good long while, then once you've figured him out and seen some true colours, make your decision. Or if you just really fancy him, invite him to pay you for some lovely sex and have a great time!
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Emily, you have (succinctly, thank you!) pointed out all of the things that made me think "hmmm" in a dubious way about MEQR's current situation, along with the fact that it has only been a week!

I am very wary of making it sound like I am encouraging having relationships with clients, and especially in this instance, but I do know that sometimes it can (just about!) work  ;)

The only things you can do MEQR are either tell him to fig off quickly before you get into too much of an emotionally charges situation, or else keep him at arms length and get to know him while you work things out for a good few months, and you can see if you like his true colours as they emerge.


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Take a massive step back and don't let your heart rule your head in this situation. He sounds like a chancer who happened to try his luck and has weedled his way into your life.

It might sound harsh but I have to be blunt. You're supposed to be running a business, so giving yourself away to someone who initially contacted you to pay you for sex is not very astute. I get on very well with my nail lady, hairdresser and accountant but they don't offer their services for free. Why would they? I don't see that this is any different.

In some cases, I'm sure things can work out but I'd be dubious of someone calling to book then trying to date me before they've even met me. I'd tell them to go for a long walk off a short pier (but not as nicely as that)  ;D


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Interesting thread... Many of my girlfriends have married ex-customers and I myself had longterm relationships meeting through work and nearly started a family with one when he did get that divorce, but unfortunately when it finally happened I didn't love him anymore.  The only thing I have to say in ALL of those cases the clients had been regular paying ones for considerable amount of time and only then the actual dating started. 
So I wouldn't really be keen on this one, he knows what you're doing so he should pay your time if he wants to get to know you better.
I know what it's like when it's chemistry :) but even so - I would take a while to see if he really did care for me and we were compatible before mentioning possibility of a relationship

Lushious Louisa

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Ladies reading your replies made me  ;D

Ohhhh its a difficult one! I am very cynical about stuff like this and my main reason being my favourite saying "I don't do free!" and as quoted on this thread thats what this guy seems to be looking for and having spoken to the OP  in pms is it right to assume you are new to escorting?  :-\ (More alarm bells!)

I have NEVER gone out with a client ex, current or whatever as I believe its a business and you never mix business with pleasure  :-X
I have lots of clients (but not clients of mine) as friends from another forum who I love to bits and count as very good friends who I would trust with my life but no way I could go out with a client  :-[

Ok just to show I'm not completly cynical my current guy (quite a new relationship so we'll see!) knows what I do for work as I told him pretty much straight away as I have done with all the lying and sneaking around  along time ago!
Hes fine about it and seems to understand its just a job and we can openly discuss my appointments without any problems.
Like I said its a pretty new thing so we will see how it goes on but he's nothing to do with my job and we actually grew up in the same area and went to the same school together  :o

MEQR imo this guy is like others have said trying his luck with escorts but its upto you what you do and how you play it so my best advice would be ; be very careful and trust your instincts  ;)


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I'm cynical too - not that you'd have guessed  ;D.

I'm of the opinion that if a man is paying for sex, it's something that is part of his life. Sort of like a hobby or even a habit. As we all know, having a wife/gf/family doesn't stop our clients coming to see us - so why would that be different if we ourselves were said wife or girlfriend?

I've mixed business and pleasure once before (a long term relationship) and it ended in tears. Mine. Once bitten, definately twice shy for me.


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I think it can work but its the exception rather than the norm. I agree with Selena's point re genuine boyfriend types being likely to be longer term clients. The ones who want a relationship from the off are most likely chancers. 


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Wow.... firstly thanks... and thank you for putting sooo much effort in responding and explaining the reasons too.... Yes I am new... but would not of thought daft on men matters... however.....

Supposedly I am the only escort he contacted etc etc.... but yes, there is no harm in playing it by ear and taking it slow...  Soooo many of your replies have also rang bells with me.. hence I decided to post I guess..... Mmmmmm. 

Well off apartment hunting.  I am most certainly too busy really.... and with taking all your comments in... it seems the best positive plan of action.

Thanks again.



Lushious Louisa

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Wow.... firstly thanks... and thank you for putting sooo much effort in responding and explaining the reasons too.... Yes I am new... but would not of thought daft on men matters... however.....

Supposedly I am the only escort he contacted etc etc.... but yes, there is no harm in playing it by ear and taking it slow...  Soooo many of your replies have also rang bells with me.. hence I decided to post I guess..... Mmmmmm. 

Well off apartment hunting.  I am most certainly too busy really.... and with taking all your comments in... it seems the best positive plan of action.

Thanks again.



Good girl, thats what we are here for  ;)

I'm away next week but we will sort out meeting for that cuppa the week after  ;D


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Have any of you (or someone else you know) become friends with a client and how has that gone?

Lushious Louisa

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Have any of you (or someone else you know) become friends with a client and how has that gone?

Yes and fine hun they are people just like us  ;)

As a member of another forum I have met and become friends with a lot of the guys who are punters but I refuse to see them if I am friendly with them its just not right imo having a booking with someone you know too well  :-\