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Author Topic: Do they not read anything on our ads or what? It says it right there!  (Read 3692 times)


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Just a vent; guy inquires about a booking for this afternoon after emailing a reply from my ad on one of the sites where I know I am on, and I know what my fee is.

Well; I email him back then he calls asking about an incall location I was open to do today. Then he asks how much I was looking for; and I replied...whats on my ad it is $$$ for an incall. Then he says, "oh that was more than I was looking to pay we are going to have to do this another time." I'm just like, its right there on my ad man how could you email me and not notice what my rate was and then cancel  >:(

Another instance is I have a travel ad in another city. Last weekend I recieved several calls (which is a good thing BUT) the trip is not for another month and these dudes are calling me asking if Im available! It says June 30th not May 30th! Its even written on my headline! And I know they werent TW's because TW's from out of town usually like to keep you on the phone and ask questions and chat you up. But when these guys knew I wasnt in town they hung up right away.

Aye caramba!


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  • Ex male escort from the south-west
Just a vent; guy inquires about a booking for this afternoon after emailing a reply from my ad on one of the sites where I know I am on, and I know what my fee is.

Well; I email him back then he calls asking about an incall location I was open to do today. Then he asks how much I was looking for; and I replied...whats on my ad it is $$$ for an incall. Then he says, "oh that was more than I was looking to pay we are going to have to do this another time." I'm just like, its right there on my ad man how could you email me and not notice what my rate was and then cancel  >:(

Oh I get this all the time. People asking you for information which they could find with just three seconds time and common sense. To the extent that any client which starts off by saying "I've read your website/profile" and show's this to be true by being to the point with me immediately get's elevated into my good books.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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I just cant understand how they manage to find my number and my email yet some of those same person cant find my rate or date when I'll be there.


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He he, this reminds me of a story from a friend of mine whose Dad returned a new mobile to the shop phone claiming it was broken.

"How is it broken?" enquired the beleaguered sales assistant
"It just is" he replied.
Puzzled the assistant turned the phone on and it worked perfectly.
"Oh you seem to have a magic touch, it's working now"

It turns out the guy couldn't work out how to turn it on and rather than read the manual, he'd just returned it!


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It turns out the guy couldn't work out how to turn it on and rather than read the manual, he'd just returned it!

He must have wanted to have sex with the phone  ::)  Who can expect to get turned on without any manual?


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It turns out the guy couldn't work out how to turn it on and rather than read the manual, he'd just returned it!

He must have wanted to have sex with the phone  ::)  Who can expect to get turned on without any manual?

Boom Boom! hehe, that's a good one Joey, lol.

Yeah the guys that call, tell you they've seen your site and then say, but do you do 1.5 hour bookings and how much is that? Well, durr, it's right there below the price for one hour.

But on the other side I had a guy who had memorised my entire site including my lenghty etiquette page - he told me stuff I'd forgotten about! That was a bit creepy.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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One or two guys have admitted they only look at my pictures, take the mobile number and call. Other guys will have only seen my on a directory and not bothered or noticed the link to my mains site.

Tell you what is interesting, often guys are surprised by my voice on the phone. I've a deeper than usual female voice, a lot find it sexy but for some it's made them doubt my age, size and non-smoking claims. Most of my clients love it and find it very sexy, others when I've had a sore throat or cold have thought I'm not the woman I claim to be on my site.

Can't alter my voice, my service is great and no-one I've met has been disappointed.


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  • Ex male escort from the south-west
It turns out the guy couldn't work out how to turn it on and rather than read the manual, he'd just returned it!

He must have wanted to have sex with the phone  ::)  Who can expect to get turned on without any manual?

Hahaha! Brilliant...
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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I was giving directions to one guy, and as I was watching from the window he kept turning the wrong way, so in exasperation, I yelled "listen with your ears, not your dick!" he finally listened. They are not paying attention, it is the bain of my worki g life.

Welsh Lass

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Hey, you know, I don't know my left from my right when I am driving and I have sooo not got a dick to think with!

I get the whole 'I am looking at your site right now, tell me, how much is it for an hour?'
Ha! God you tool!
You just have to sigh quietly and get on with it. Most also tut that is more than they would like to pay.
It depends on the tone of the man, his manners, how he comes across but I can easily tell the ones that really are wasting my time and I will happily let them know there are cheaper alternatives available, try the back of the evening post.....

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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I get the whole 'I am looking at your site right now, tell me, how much is it for an hour?'

See; I keep on finding out that the ones who are asking me that; and seen my site...are bullshitting me. Its like the 3rd or 4th time this week. Now its just pissing me off for real  >:(