I used to be very romantic but now I am not at all, though that has taken time. Its also taught me cynicism, to not take things at face value, to recognise that people are often unpredictable and even insincere. I don't think it's people's fault, it's just how they are. On the flipside though, its taught me independence and self reliance, so I don't get too worked up when relationships don't turn out like I hoped or people turn out to be much different to how I initially saw them. I guess I don't invest emotionally in things too much anymore, I try and enjoy my comforts and my enthusiasms and my work and just accept that you can't get too hung up on things. Life's all too 'smoke and mirrors' and here today, gone tomorrow. So many people are living double lives or holding on to relationships just for status or because they are afraid of being alone, and being a prostitute helps me see that clearly in a funny way.