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Author Topic: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?  (Read 20425 times)


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Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« on: 08 January 2024, 10:16:41 pm »
Just wondering whilst enjoying the 5 year whoroversary... ;')

I start.

1. Better boundaries
2. Bullshit detector
3. Financial goals achieved
4. Seeing the world and male-female relationships more for what they are...?
5. Being more self-interested and calculative (used to be the 'give too much and get hurt' type).
6. Able to look beyond handsome looks and sexual attraction, making less impulsive decisions.
7. Greater control over life in general
« Last Edit: 08 January 2024, 10:18:56 pm by northernstar »


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #1 on: 09 January 2024, 07:26:00 am »
Learned about self-employment, learned about marketing, better safety.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #2 on: 09 January 2024, 02:39:17 pm »
To wonder how on earth women can put up with monogamy lol.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #3 on: 09 January 2024, 07:16:03 pm »
It saved me from office temp work, which I'm grateful for alone  ;D


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #4 on: 10 January 2024, 03:36:47 pm »
 I find myself a lot less scared / intimidated by men than I was before. I am way more confident too I think. I might just be lucky but escorting has taught me that strangers are not as scary as everyone makes them out to be, other people are just that...people. It's made me realise that we as a society have this overbearing fear of others, especially in the UK everyone is so highly suspicious of eachother. There is a good reason for it, but it starts to feel condescending whenever I talk about my job and people act like I am willingly visiting serial killers every night. I also think escorting has made it much easier to filter certain people out of my life.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #5 on: 11 January 2024, 09:02:05 am »
I've been in sex work 8 years now and it's definitely changed me, mostly for the better.

I'm much more confident and firm with setting boundaries
I'm aware of my own worth and value
I no longer feel I have to apologise for charging for my time
I have much more money which gives me security that any unexpected bills (car repair, pet rats needing vets) can be handled
It's brought me into contact with many people who I might not ever have met otherwise, which is always interesting
I've developed an almost limitless ability to make conversation with strangers, which I found very difficult before

It's made me very cynical about the average supposedly monogamous relationship. I know that women also cheat but I think the number of men who cheat very very casually, without even thinking of it as cheating, is higher.
It's made me aware that bad guys come in all shapes and forms and the ones who act the most genuine and smooth can be the worst, because they're deliberately putting on an act, and they're good at it.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #6 on: 11 January 2024, 06:37:20 pm »
Made me more confident.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #7 on: 11 January 2024, 08:15:41 pm »
I've been in sex work 8 years now and it's definitely changed me, mostly for the better

It's made me very cynical about the average supposedly monogamous relationship. I know that women also cheat but I think the number of men who cheat very very casually, without even thinking of it as cheating, is higher.

Sadly I think this so true and while I've always known a great many men perhaps intend to be faithful they are very easily able to cheat. I've had clients who have told me their wives believe totally that the trust is there and even those wives who refuse regular or even occasional sex, they are confident that he will stay faithful! This is out of the mouths of those lying naked with me.

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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #8 on: 12 January 2024, 12:53:02 pm »
Sadly I think this so true and while I've always known a great many men perhaps intend to be faithful they are very easily able to cheat. I've had clients who have told me their wives believe totally that the trust is there and even those wives who refuse regular or even occasional sex, they are confident that he will stay faithful! This is out of the mouths of those lying naked with me.

Very true and so many men think the cheating is no big deal at all and it's kind of their right to do it but i don't want to know about it i am just there to do a service.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #9 on: 12 January 2024, 11:32:30 pm »
That’s why so happy to have nothing to do with any of them in personal life.

*strokes cat*


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #10 on: 14 January 2024, 08:13:18 pm »
I think it’s made a big difference in my life.
Financially I’m a lot more stable. If I wasn’t doing this I don’t know how I would have coped with how expensive everything is now. That means I’m not stressing as much and worrying all the time. I’m generally happier overall.
I feel more confident in myself and in how I look.
I still struggle with anxiety at times but generally less than before. I’ve definitely gotten better dealing with strangers.


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #11 on: 15 January 2024, 09:41:18 am »
I've been in the job for 8 years too and although it hasn't stopped me from getting ridiculously messed around by knobs in my civvy life it has enabled me to:

1. Filter out all the people who would drive me up the wall in a civvy job.

2. Spare me the office politics and the general unpleasantness bullying etc that comes with a normal job.

3. Be my own boss, choose my own work hours and see who I want to see.

4. Have plenty of time for friends and hobbies and generally living my life instead of being too knackered from work to do anything else.

I don't think I could go back to living a 'normal' life now. Although if I had a child I may be forced to for a little bit. Who knows. No idea whether I can have a baby now anyway  :'(
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #12 on: 18 January 2024, 07:57:21 pm »
Over the years I have seen and felt my confidence improve 110%

Found it easier to say "NO" to certain situations in my life, not escort related - made me more assertive

Managing my own time and money has given me self-management skills for other areas of my life

The freedom and flexibility this line of work has given me is unparalleled


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #13 on: 24 January 2024, 11:18:34 am »
I'm alot more confident in my own skin and sexually I feel more in control even though I have seen some reviews of clients commenting on my stretch marks I couldn't give a flying fuck I love the skin I'm in now more than before

I would say I'm less trusting of men thou, purely from having clients who have such loving marriages and relationships but still they come to us 🤔


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Re: Has the job changed you as a person and if yes, how?
« Reply #14 on: 23 February 2024, 03:29:58 pm »
The job has made me less sensitive and more confident as a person, you need thick skin to deal with difficult and demanding clients. I became a better listener as quite a few clients like to chat about their life experiences and issues. The job has made me more aware of the way clients behave and act, I adapted to handle the deferent variations of clients.