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Author Topic: Do you enjoy escorting?  (Read 17612 times)

sammy s

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Do you enjoy escorting?
« on: 24 June 2019, 11:15:30 am »
I’ve been escorting for years due to suffering with bad anxiety and IBS which make it difficult to go out and work in a civvy job for 8 hours every day.
I don’t actually enjoy escorting though and find it really doesn’t help my anxiety. Do any of you do this too because you feel like you don’t have many other options, or do you genuinely enjoy the job?
Would love to be able to change my mindset but the cons definitely outweigh the pros for me


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #1 on: 24 June 2019, 11:36:59 am »
I love it i dont take Sh%t from dirty client sI think that may be the biggest kick  >:D

They come in filthy i telt them they are filthy if you want me to touch that you better scrub it = all with a smile and nicely done of course

I actually like the men who come to me or i could not touch them

I think I joke too much its more fawlty towers then sexy sultry time I feel guilty at times but they come back so it must be working

I think I am nuts and so are they its good craic I cant take any of it seriously

I earn good money most of the time not always and I am not killing myself on min wage for a horrible boss and I have time off when I want 

I some times think I need to calm down and be more sexy but Im not able its all too funny

The men look at me like im cracked in the head and i do ask do they think that and they say yes - its good  >:D ;D :D


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #2 on: 24 June 2019, 11:39:11 am »
I enjoy it, but I'm part-time, and also freelance in another job that involves working from home, so bookings are a nice break for me.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #3 on: 24 June 2019, 12:03:55 pm »
Yes, I'm still in love with the job. I left a well-paid corporate career to go full time escorting. I feel more valued as a human being, more seen and heard, than I did in my soulless international conglomerate cog in the machine job.

Don't get me wrong, I was fucking amazing at my job and I enjoyed probably 50% of my time at work. But I was busting my ovaries with unpaid overtime, going the extra mile, reading industry publications during lunch and all that shit, and I was getting paid the same as a colleague who was basically doing the bare minimum to not get sacked.

Now I enjoy probably 80% of my bookings, and if a client turns out to be annoying, I never have to see him again. You cannot say that about any employed role. Even when you're not customer facing, you've still got arsehole colleagues that you have to put up with.

Yes, there's no holiday pay, no sick pay. But my earnings are pretty much directly related to how hard/smart I work.

What's really helped me enjoy the job more is taking off any services I'm even slightly ambivalent about (e.g. foot fetish) and making my pricing most attractive for the length of bookings that I prefer. So I now offer a very cheap deal on quickies (oral only) and half hour GFE, but anything longer than half hour is automatically into my "specialist" services which I find much less mentally tiring than GFE.

I do still offer 90 min and 2hr bookings but I've priced them so high that I know I can then take an hour off afterwards to refresh myself.

I've also found it very helpful to practise saying to guys "You need to be more gentle" or "Do NOT suck, lick!" or "No don't try to rub my clit, just fuck me" or on one memorable occasion, "Darling, that's my vagina. You shouldn't be scraping your thumb around it like you're trying to get the last bit of peanut butter out the jar."
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #4 on: 24 June 2019, 12:12:52 pm »
I wouldn’t say enjoy but it’s a job and the hours are good. If I wasn’t doing this I’d be doing 12 hour shifts in a factory or care home and that’s hard work. It’s easy competed to my old care job. I do miss working with colleagues the most. It can get sort of lonely and when I have a bad day and don’t see many that’s depressing.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #5 on: 24 June 2019, 12:26:28 pm »
I do miss working with colleagues the most.

That's what I found and it's why I have worked to build friendships with other escorts. It's such a relief to have a number of people to message after a booking and say "Wow, that guy was a fucking idiot" or "Cock cheese trauma" or "Wow that was amazing, that client gave me a mega orgasm."
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #6 on: 24 June 2019, 12:33:19 pm »
I found I don’t get on really well with other escorts. I’m quiet and an introvert so can clash a bit. Not that they aren’t mostly lovely people.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #7 on: 24 June 2019, 12:40:15 pm »
I don't get on with most humans, male or female, SW or civvy. Seek out people who are similar to you. As an introvert (yes me too) it can be bloody difficult. I've found I get on best with SW in my age bracket who don't take drugs and don't take shit off clients.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #8 on: 24 June 2019, 01:03:50 pm »
Yes I don’t do drugs and hardly ever drink. Sometimes wish I worked in a brother at least you’d have company. But they don’t accept bbw. It’s not all bad i have a friend who used to be a dancer in clubs and can talk to her about anything.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #9 on: 24 June 2019, 10:30:06 pm »
I also have a couple of health conditions and have found employers aren't always understanding when I need time off etc.

Being self-employed and being able to manage my own time, whilst earning a decent wage are what I like about escorting.

However... the actual 'job' I don't always enjoy, I get burnt out quite quickly (physically and emotionally) - due to my health conditions

It's a case of appreciating the positives of this work, and taking time off when I need to.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #10 on: 24 June 2019, 11:43:25 pm »
I love it i dont take Sh%t from dirty client sI think that may be the biggest kick  >:D

They come in filthy i telt them they are filthy if you want me to touch that you better scrub it = all with a smile and nicely done of course

I actually like the men who come to me or i could not touch them

I think I joke too much its more fawlty towers then sexy sultry time I feel guilty at times but they come back so it must be working

I think I am nuts and so are they its good craic I cant take any of it seriously

I earn good money most of the time not always and I am not killing myself on min wage for a horrible boss and I have time off when I want 

I some times think I need to calm down and be more sexy but Im not able its all too funny

The men look at me like im cracked in the head and i do ask do they think that and they say yes - its good  >:D ;D :D

HAHAHAH omggg girl love it  ;D


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #11 on: 24 June 2019, 11:59:20 pm »
After ten years and what seems like a million clients I feel quite proud of myself that I have not had that burn out feeling and have kept up the standards I started with.  Getting ready for a booking fires me up and while I certainly do not enjoy all my bookings all of the time I am a long way off hating it.

These days though I do far less than a few years ago and just as well because I no longer have the mental energy to cope with multiple bookings every day.  I have posted about this before and will say that having a good old clear out of the men I began dreading seeing for a variety of reasons has meant I am still just fine to carry on a few more years hopefully. 

New clients are what keep me going though. Regulars and many times repeated clients are good of course but there is nothing like meeting a new one to do it for me.  It may be a short lived thrill and by the end of the booking I am thinking hmmm not sure I want to see him again but the initial excitement carries me through the job.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #12 on: 25 June 2019, 10:12:59 am »
Despite ups and downs, I did enjoy escorting. The moment it stopped being enjoyable, I switched to erotic massage.

I can't even picture myself holding a job that requires being around people for long periods of time and taking directions from someone. Just no.  :(

I don’t actually enjoy escorting though and find it really doesn’t help my anxiety. Do any of you do this too because you feel like you don’t have many other options, or do you genuinely enjoy the job?

I totally empathise with anxiety and feeling 'stuck', as if there are no other options.
There are so many opportunities to freelance and work from home though.
The difficult part is to get mentally 'unstuck' and go for it.

English Green

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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #13 on: 25 June 2019, 11:26:51 am »
Sometimes it is ok other times not and my health probs have pushed me more to this.

I think it can make some peoples anxiety worse though because there is so many timewasters/ weirdos/ stalkers and dangerous situations so always being on your guard is a job in itself.


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Re: Do you enjoy escorting?
« Reply #14 on: 25 June 2019, 12:02:00 pm »
Due to mental health problems, I go through months of working and not being phased (not hating it, but wouldn’t say I get up and think yay I’m working today, can’t wait) and then hating it and finding it too stressful to deal with as well as my health problems, so I stop.
I’m going to start webcamming soon, but the thoughts of sitting around for hours a day waiting puts me off also.

Basically it’s a like hate relationship with escorting for me. Would never do it if I felt I HAD to do it to survive though. I would sign off sick or if we’ll enough, get a part time job. Even if it’s something quiet and voluntary.
« Last Edit: 25 June 2019, 11:09:38 pm by DailyGrind »
“If you are thinking of making everyone happy, you are going to be a great prostitute.”