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Author Topic: Bareback bookings seem very popular!  (Read 6720 times)

sammy s

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Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« on: 13 August 2010, 03:16:29 pm »
was editing my profile earlier and by accident ticked in my enjoys section on adultwork that i do bareback.
Work has been very quiet for me this week with only one genuine booking per day max.
Anyway, as soon as it said on my profile that I offered bareback the emails FLOODED in.
Literally went back to my laptop half an hour later and there were 17 new emails all from genuine guys with lots of positive feedback all of them wanting to see me today.

Of course I straight away deleted the fact that I offer bareback and replied to all of the men apologising and would they still like to see me. Most of them didnt reply, and the ones who did said they were really only looking for bareback so werent interested anymore.

geez, never thought it would be so popular. Do these men have a death wish?

Think i'll stick to my one safe booking a day instead of the 17 unsafe ones.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #1 on: 13 August 2010, 03:21:42 pm »
Jesus H Christ. 17 bloody men? My god. There was a lady on Punternet the other week justifyiying why she did BB- she said that not many men were willing to pay the fee she charged, but she considered it a measured risk when compared to CIM.

I have often wondered how many men actually go for this..and now I know. FFS.

sammy s

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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #2 on: 13 August 2010, 03:24:00 pm »
i know!!!!
it was literally in the space of 30 minutes that i got 17 genuine emails.All from really polite men with loads of feedback who wanted to see me asap and were "thrilled" to see the services i offered.

couldnt believe it! the fact that i emailed them all back too saying i was really sorry but i didnt actually offer it but would love to still see them and they replied saying they hated condoms and were only looking for bareback.

I bet most of them have wives and girlfriends. GRRRRR


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #3 on: 13 August 2010, 05:19:27 pm »
Jesus H Christ. 17 bloody men? My god.

Lucy, I think you and I are soul mates, lol. I swear, this is exactly what I was thinking verbatim when I first read the post.

Anyhow, it is interesting to see this brought up.

I am new here in London from Houston, TX and over there I am a part of a forum site similiar to here and the other (such and

There is a ladies only section there as well, and lately ALOT of girls are reporting that men are asking for bareback. WTF???!!!

Noboday can understand what is wrong with these men, and now it seems the mania is trans-atlantic. It seems this is the new owo, as back in the day, no one would dream of giving or even asking for bb penetration or owo.

It's just sad and disturbing, as there are apparently many ladies out there who will do it without question.

You know, I'd really like to see the stats of STI prevalence now, and then in 5 years from now, both in the US and UK.

This makes me almost want to change to bareback on my aw as well, just to see what happens.....
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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #4 on: 13 August 2010, 05:20:46 pm »
i know!!!!
it was literally in the space of 30 minutes that i got 17 genuine emails.All from really polite men with loads of feedback who wanted to see me asap and were "thrilled" to see the services i offered.

couldnt believe it! the fact that i emailed them all back too saying i was really sorry but i didnt actually offer it but would love to still see them and they replied saying they hated condoms and were only looking for bareback.

I bet most of them have wives and girlfriends. GRRRRR

It's horrid, isn't it?

I hate to sound preachy here (and this isn't directed at you! Just a general warning) but we need to all remember that many clients can, and will, be seeing the girls who are offering god-knows-what, right alongside seeing us safe and healthy prossies. I'll never forget the day one of my 'fancy' clients let slip that he'd been recently ripped off by a ?60 per hour girl who'd run off with his cash but left her crack pipe on the table. And he only sounded annoyed at being ripped off, as he only mentioned the drug stuff in passing! Of course anyone who can pay ?100 or ?200 or ?300 or more for our time can pay whatever it costs to risk horrible STDs with an unsafe sex worker. The worst thing is that there's a high chance that they are definitely doing so.

I know we all take every precaution and like to feel safe while we work, but remember, there are too many blokes who don't give a stuff about whether or not they catch and pass on gonorrhea/herpes/HIV.

Then again, there are the guys who won't even see girls who offer OWO, so I must try to keep my Sane Hat on! Still. We shouldn't be surprised at this kind of news. :( (Although I was actually a bit gobsmacked!)
Disclosure: The other person behind

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #5 on: 13 August 2010, 05:25:52 pm »
Sorry, I know its juvenile but I cannot resist it...i'm off to tick BB and see if I get any emails.


Ps..Welcome Madison! Joey and Miss J are going to be so chuffed when they see you!
« Last Edit: 13 August 2010, 05:27:43 pm by Lucy Chambers »


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #6 on: 13 August 2010, 06:09:57 pm »
I'm not surprise anymore since I saw an genuine add from a young beautiful girl offering bareback for 20 bucks extra! She had a website with booking system and she had a lots of traffic, thousand of viewers everyday... Think she had 5 or more clients everyday for bareback - I can't even think about this!
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #7 on: 13 August 2010, 06:24:03 pm »
 you know what  same  thing happend to me  when i went to london a few months back i was editing my profile and accidently ticked the bareback thing and my phone was swamped and my emails went mental strangly none of them actualy asked for it when they came to see me or even via the phone or emails ect     ( or obviously  got it ) but it was only when  regular client of mine told me that it was on there that i realised why my phone was red hot
makes you wonder dosnt it     


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #8 on: 18 August 2010, 01:08:15 am »
I searched AW for a BB - it came 27 pages with 1322 profiles  :o wow
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #9 on: 18 August 2010, 08:17:13 pm »
I am not surprised! Men are dogs, we all know this. Not only are they dogs, they are indiscriminate dogs. Thus, why I stopped offering OWO. They will stick their cocks in any hole, STI infected or not, and we all know the horror stories involving lack of cleanliness. No, thank you. Now think about the 17 calls you got Sammy, suppose you really were offering BB, and all 17 came to see you, by the time you got to no. 17, I shudder to think! Don't these men think about this, or do they think this woman is only see just them?


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #10 on: 20 August 2010, 09:38:24 pm »

I am "chuffed" as well to see you! Hello from a fellow American...


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #11 on: 21 August 2010, 03:47:47 am »
I'm still fairly new and though my AW profile states really clearly NO WAY, I still get requests. As if they think I might be persuaded because I'm new.  Sorry, but what a bunch of idiotic tossers!


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #12 on: 24 August 2010, 01:24:05 am »
Sorry, I know its juvenile but I cannot resist it...i'm off to tick BB and see if I get any emails.

So... did you get any response? I'm dying in anticipation.  :P
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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #13 on: 24 August 2010, 02:06:10 am »
I searched AW for a BB - it came 27 pages with 1322 profiles  :o wow

See, this is why I hate AdultW*nk. To promote a site which encourages desperate (or in complete denial) women to risk their life for a bit of cash, is IMO purely exploitative. This is why nowadays I don't wish to throw ANY advertising cash at them (or in fact even associate with them), no matter how "good" it would do my business.

And I think that if less women would put up with their crap, then the site wouldn't even feature bareback as "things I enjoy doing". Why? Because if more and more escorts began leaving a site which allows for this option to be ticked, then they wouldn't be in business - simples!  >:(

Now I'm not saying other directories are heavenly either. But I do wish that in future ESCORTS would run directories. As opposed to us having to rely on directories which really don't hold our safety and health at heart.

Anyone else who feels this way? Or are we still going to rant about dick thinking men, and ignore the fact that most of us (yes, me included) are (or were) supporting sites where bareback is deemed acceptable?
« Last Edit: 24 August 2010, 02:39:18 am by SnakeLady »
Prostitution - now I want it my way.
Or no way.


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Re: Bareback bookings seem very popular!
« Reply #14 on: 24 August 2010, 02:51:46 am »
Well I'm not and have never been interested in ranting about men, I'm more interested in who you suggest we appoint to decide and police what adult women can and cannot do with their bodies, and what (legal) services we should be permitted (or not) to offer? Why stop at bareback? Plenty of people disapprove of hardsports/scat, BDSM and even OWO - shall we ban them as well?

It is up to the individual to decide what legal services he or she wants to offer or avail her/himself of, and to glibly state that because someone is prepared to provide or perform acts that we personally disapprove of must automatically be 'desperate' or 'exploited' is not only patronising, but disingenuous in the extreme. Nobody is 'encouraged' to offer anything - there is a box which you can either tick or not; personally, the only times I have ever been pestered to perform without a condom have been by punters themselves, not advertising directories. I'm no great fan of AW either, but blaming them for what the users are doing is like buying a cut and shut car and then blaming the Exchange and Mart when it turns out to be a death trap.

People can offer whatever they like, provided they are within the law. There are enough folk out there who think we and our clients are all filthy scum - we don't need to start looking down our noses at each other too. And for the purposes of clarity, 1322 out of a total of 14221 female escorts currently advertising is slightly under nine and a half percent, which even without allowing for the sizeable chunk of those which will be fake, still means that over ninety percent of advertisers not offering it. Personally, I worry far more about the people who insist that they would never do such a thing, and then offer it anyway ( 'oh, it's just with a couple of regulars I've known for ages' seems to be a common one - the mind boggles).

Speaking for myself, I assume all clients do bareback with somebody, whether it's other prossies, one night stands or the missus and decide on my services accordingly. I suspect that we're the lowest risk group of the lot.