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Author Topic: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief  (Read 10764 times)


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Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« on: 16 July 2009, 11:14:13 pm »
Have had a right one tonight - am ashamed to have been got properly thumped and definitely embassred. How do we put up with it so much? I like my punters but FFS! Am going to had have a black eye for a week  :'(xx
« Last Edit: 16 July 2009, 11:22:15 pm by amy »


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #1 on: 17 July 2009, 12:03:33 am »
Deleted - will repost below.
« Last Edit: 17 July 2009, 12:19:33 pm by amy »


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #2 on: 17 July 2009, 07:38:51 am »
Amy that is awful. Please do not feel ashamed, none of us should take any responsibility for the actions of a nasty thug who hurts us while we are just going about our business. I cant imagine how shaken I would be in your situation. Are you OK enough to go to the police as theft with violence is a horrible horrible crime?

Make sure you look after yourself and deal with it in the best way for you. If that is by talking to other ladies then I am sure lots of the SAAFE girls will lend an ear.



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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #3 on: 17 July 2009, 08:32:20 am »
Amy! That sounds TERRIBLE. Are you on your own now - do you have someone you trust nearby you could go and see? I wish everyone from saafe was there now to help you in person. :-\ do you know any of us offline so you have a number to call if you need it?xx
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #4 on: 17 July 2009, 12:32:30 pm »
Am reposting for clarity - I did try last night  :-[ but have since found out that I have concussion following an attack by a client.

James - has visited once before three weeks ago (quite possibly to look the place over) - white, short dark hair and slightly overweight (inother words completely unremarkable) late thirties and mobile number 07519 5940**. Completely normal booking - bit nervy and I thought maybe very slightly drunk but nothing out of the ordinary. Got strangely shirty when back in living room to get coat and so on - picked up my bag out of the blue and started rifling through it, and when I told him off and went to take it back he punched me in the face and I now have a huge black eye and probably won't be able to workfor at least four or five days. He stole my weeks money - close to ?500 which was in my paying in book to go to the bank, although I know full well that I shouldn't have had it lying about like that.

Have been to hospital and police station after ringing a friend who came over and took one look at me before calling the taxi. To all incall ladies - get a cheapo dud handbag and stick twenty quid and some bits in it; if I'd done this I could have just handed it over instead of making a fuss and getting thumped. I have texted other local ladies but anyone around York area who wants the full number please PM me.


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #5 on: 17 July 2009, 01:18:23 pm »
Good god, this is absolutely awful Amy. Are you with someone or at least keeping yourself safe now? What a lowlife bastard. Will the police be able to do anything?

Not sure what on earth to say- just sending you lots of online healing thoughts. xxxxxx


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #6 on: 17 July 2009, 01:46:38 pm »
Considering the state you were in last night, I appreciate your making posting the warning on here your top priority. Hope you're feeling better today.x

Welsh Lass

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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #7 on: 17 July 2009, 02:28:45 pm »
Yes, I hope your feeling better also Amy.
I just want to say that I spoke to Amy last night and she was very distressed.
Being the fighter she is I heard the words 'I wish I had fought back more' from her and I just want to say publically, your enough of a fighter Amy. That even if 500.00 is all you have in the whole wide world, it is not worth fighting over, let the scum take it because if you fight over it, you might not be capable of making a phone call after...

I don't know (luckily) how it feels to have a person in your own home bash you one and steal from you but I can imagine it feels pretty bloody dire and awful and I am so happy you reported it to the police and posted here as well. We all need a reminder now and again (very unhappy that the reminders have to come in this form) to never trust anybody that is a client no matter how well we think we know them.

I realise you did not know this client, but we still need to pull our socks up now and again as I can admit to being a bit lax at times on the whole security front just because I have seen the man before. I will not be again, not now I have heard the distress for myself.

I think the idea of keeping a bag with a small amount of cash in it is quite a good idea actually.
I don't think you did anything wrong Amy, he had to go looking for the money, it was not sat out on your coffee table so please don't beat yourself up over this. He was adamant to do it, end of.
Good job you have a person near you that can get to you and cares enough to get you help.
Try and take it easy this weekend and steady yourself out a bit. He is a lowlife prick with a lowlife life to go with it. Your worth 100 of him, don't forget that, the total tosser, a twat head. Men like him soon get their just deserts.
.... I do love a forum you can actually swear on!
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #8 on: 17 July 2009, 02:43:13 pm »
Oh so sorry to hear of your misfortune!  I would like to echo what the other ladies have said.  Often we tend to react with a feeling of embarrassment and anger for not being able to fight back more etc, basically a riot of different feelings.  Gawd, I feel angry for you but bottom line is your health and even from a practical point of view the overall impact on your business and working.  Bad enough you got a black eye but I am relieved that you did not receive any further or god forbid really serious injuries.  It is horrible to lose a big wad of cash but not worth your health fighting tooth and nail!  Wish you all the best and hope the bruise(s) will fade really quickly.  I can imagine so that you are shaken up and need some sort of release also for the pent up anger over someone doing this to you.  Perhaps you can look for some class or exercise like kickboxing ? I find that this really help to let off steam and also releases endorphins.  Hope your concussion will be clear up.             


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #9 on: 18 July 2009, 01:25:51 am »
All I wanted to say was that Amy I am disgusted by what happened to you and I hope that you have positive people around you to lean on (which it sounds like you do). Well done for being brave and reporting it to the police I can imagine how horrid that is.

Ladies please do keep safe. What I have been doing recently is having a small tin of extra hold in the bedroom so if they try anything then they get hairsprayed.


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #10 on: 18 July 2009, 03:11:59 pm »
Glad you reported it, sorry it's happened like this. Ummm, one question I have is do guys get put on the Sex Offenders register for this?


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #11 on: 19 July 2009, 10:21:50 am »
This is awful, just awful and I hope the police will take proper action on this. 

More importantly, I hope you are feeling better and looking after yourself.  It's certainly made a lot of us, I am sure, sit up and think, and I have to confess being somewhat lax about security measures, which I am now going to review so it really is much appreciated you telling us all here what has happened, as distressing as it must have been. 

I wonder if anyone would consider having something like mace at home or would that just be going too far? 

Anika Mae

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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #12 on: 19 July 2009, 11:10:33 am »
I'm wary of things like mace. A weapon can be used against you, especially if your attacker is more skilled at fighting than you are.

I met a girl who had a security camera set up in her working flat, with the pictures stored at a remote location. That's what I'd want to do if I get a flat.


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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #13 on: 19 July 2009, 06:17:01 pm »
Gosh that is a brilliant idea however where was the camera?  Was it an actual cctv upon entry or somewhere in the flat hidden?  Its a great idea though. 

I am going to ensure I see all my clients cars now and take down reg plates I think. 

Anika Mae

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Re: Yorkshire - nasty piece of thief
« Reply #14 on: 19 July 2009, 07:33:12 pm »
I don't know where she had hers, but I was thinking in the hallway so you can get a shot of them when they arrive, but no compromising stuff. CCTV systems don't cost a whole lot so you can get the real thing, just make sure you're filming inside your property or the footage may not be admissible as evidence.