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Author Topic: Warning to all girls!  (Read 2777 times)


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Warning to all girls!
« on: 29 October 2011, 10:50:41 am »
I came across a post on Captain 69, dating from 23 October. I am not sure if I'm allowed to copy and paste it here, therefore I will paraphrase.
I guy was calling the escort for about a month, trying to make an appointment, using the name Hugo. They arranged to meet on the evening of the 22 October and when he turned up, she was surprised  to see a young English, hooded guy, as the man she was speaking on the phone was well-spoken and sounded older. The hooded guy demanded her safe and cash and  after shouting (sic),  another large, black guy turned up, also in a hoody and cap. He pounded her on the floor, strangling her, until she told him where she kept the cash. They took all her jewellery, watches and cash.
Police are dealing with the case.

Phone number used - +4479300**308

Apologies if this has been posted previously.


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Re: Warning to all girls!
« Reply #1 on: 29 October 2011, 10:51:43 am »
I believe this happened in London.


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Re: Warning to all girls!
« Reply #2 on: 29 October 2011, 11:34:01 am »
Could you PM me the full number please... Was this an incall? Do you know what area of LDN it was? xx


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Re: Warning to all girls!
« Reply #3 on: 29 October 2011, 02:41:53 pm »
I came across a post on Captain 69, dating from 23 October. I am not sure if I'm allowed to copy and paste it here, therefore I will paraphrase.

Copying and pasting stuff (as long as it's with due attribution, i.e. mentioning the source and not passing things off as your own; this is less of a priority with warnings but is generally good manners) is fine - the only thing we don't allow on this forum is direct linking to websites other than websites that belong to the poster themselves. You can say "Google to find the site with amazing pants that I was looking at!" but putting the full link ("http://www...") is not allowed unless you own the site you're linking to.

Sorry, I know that's rather beside the point, but people do seem quite confused about what's allowed on SAAFE and what's not. You can link to your own site(s) as long as there's no spamming of tat, but don't link properly to other sites. Copying and pasting creates no link at all so it's really fine, as long as - like with any post here - it's relevant to the industry and to supporting sex workers.

I'll move this thread and get rid of the other one for you. In future, if anyone posts in the wrong place, please PM a mod and request the post be moved. :)

Also, could requests for a full phone number be kept to a PM - Warnings threads (or any threads) should not be cluttered with "pm me please" posts. Specific questions (such as asking for appearance, accent or location details) should be posted publicly but don't repeat questions that have already been asked. Remember, the OP may post but then may not return to this thread for a long time, whereas if they are sent a PM they will get an email notification about it.

If in doubt, just ask yourself: "Does everyone need to see what is in this post, or just me and the OP?" If the latter, put it in a PM. Thank you!
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