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Author Topic: BDSM Bristol - Unpredictable  (Read 3450 times)


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BDSM Bristol - Unpredictable
« on: 31 October 2011, 07:05:18 pm »
I had an appointment scheduled for 3.00 and he eventually turned up at 4.00.

I advised him of where to head to but for some bizzare reason he decided to head for another destination which made him late, I told again where to head to, he ended up at the wrong end of town due to ill advice from passers by.

He did before his booking mention that he would look it up on Google.

When he arrived I thought he was the postman as he was carrying a red postage bag that postmen carry so I told my attendant to answer the door for me.

Apparently he just waltzed in.

I was stood in the front room and just ushered him into the back where I meet and greet.

I asked him if he would like a drink and to which he replied yes but I have my own can I just have a glass, I thought it was weird so I gave him the glass and he pulled out alcohol.

I said to him you can't drink that and go up and session.

As it was a BDSM session I need everyone I see to be of good health and sound mind not pissed basically.

He went on to say that he was doing this for a research purposes which I found weird.

He also mentioned that to do what I do being a Dominatrix or a sex worker that we all must have something wrong with us.

And also mentioned that he had a bigger guy outside on the door which I didn't believe.

I don't know if he was trying to make me angry and start something up but it seriously wasn't working.

He under paid by ?8 his excuse was he couldn't find his way and had to pay a taxi.

And when upstairs started jumping around on my st andrews cross and then flopping about on it.

He gave me obviously fake stories about how if he damaged my cross he could get another made, and clothes made for me, I don't know if he was expecting me to be amazed or fixated on him but I've seen much worse and so much better and domination is nothing about what he was doing.

I'm not sure if he was taking drugs because when I flogged him he couldn't feel it and then all of a sudden he could.

He took a while relieving himself around 10 minutes which for a young guy is a long time.

His appearance is as follows.


Shaven head

Large red scar on the back of it (not straight slightly jagged)

Was wearing scruffy jeans

Skater style black trainers

Large navy duffle coat

Navy t-shirt with some sort of emblem on either the back or front

His eyes are blue (I think)

He did actually bring a laptop and upon exiting my home was typing away on it outside at the bus stop.

But his whole demeanour was off putting.

He notes he's from the stokes croft area

Telephone number 07*993168**

Watch out

[Phone number edited to censor last two digits - please replace 3rd. Details of how to post in this section in Rules For Posting Warnings thread above.]
« Last Edit: 31 October 2011, 07:26:51 pm by amy »