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Author Topic: Warning Hull/Cottingham ladies  (Read 2569 times)


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Warning Hull/Cottingham ladies
« on: 15 July 2022, 06:27:04 am »
After constant texts received from a client wanting incall booking 2 hours later after his first attempt I replied to inform him I was on my way home from outcall and would be available shortly,  his reply was "ok" however his previous texts was what you would expect from the usual client nothing out if the ordinary, location? Prices?;etc I'd responded with my postcode, a copy& paste message which gives details of services, rates and extras and that I'd contact  if and when I was next available. However his messages constantly continued and I had enough of replying, I'd told him I wasn't available but by this point I assumed he was a time-wasting fake as he was calling and not saying anything on answering,  when I was on the way bk from my outcall and noticing he was persistent I replied informing him I'd be back home within 10 mins .

To my annoyance I soon received a text saying he was at my postcode.  I opened the door to see him walking down the street  I'd describe.him as very tall, 6ft  black hair late 30s, dark skin colour and Asian this was clear when he spoke in broken English.  He soon was very much in my face, his hands wandering over my face, chest and bum more aless the minute he was in the room he told me to take 25 pound and handed me a tiny bag containing a tiny bitbif white powder he stated was cocaine,  I was to perform oral and said if I was good at it he would then pay me for the hour, absolutely appalled and shocked by this I told him NO he knew the prices and to clarify I stated in a text the exact amount for the duration he asked for which was 30 min his reply was OK.

However he wasn't listening and by this point I started feel very intimidated as he was extremely close to me I felt overpowered and scared .as soon as I could I backed off but he folloeme to the otherside of the bed using more force he touched me again this time his hand down my trousers whilst seeing inwas scared I really believe that enticed him further I told him I'd ring the police if he didn't leave to my absolute shock this didn't phaze him he started to raise his voice but iunsure of what he was saying because I was literally shaking and petrified he then walked towards the stairs thinking he was leaving I sat on the bed trying to get my head around what had happened when I realised hes stormed back in the bedroom and  virtually sat on me  a second time he forcefully touched me under my trousers the front and the back I said my friend was on the way hoping this would stop him .it didn't I could only think of calling out a name so I start shouting CHRIS CHRIS as loud as I could it was the first name that came to my head .thankfully this worked and he quickly left.

I now realise why he asked if i was alone on one of the texts. I have all the full text thread,  hes still texting me insulting messages anhour later.  I have the number in which he used to contact me . And next door have a fantastic cctv system which clearly captures my house. I was absolutely terrified and physically shaking with fear. Please ladies becareful of this sex predator seemingly preying on escorts,  he most definitely is a huge danger and a risk to women, I'm thinking of informing the police as this was sexual assault  however with fear of not been believed due to the industry I work in , I expect them to ignore this and have them probably believe it goes with the job the dangerous risk I've chosen to take .so having actually realised whilst typing that I think it's best I leave the police out of it. I'd be very great full of any advice ...please please watch out for this man. I'd hate to think any of you ladies to be in the terrifying position I found myself in

[title edited to remove all caps, formatted to add paragraphs]
« Last Edit: 15 July 2022, 08:51:28 pm by amy »


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Re: Warning Hull/Cottingham ladies
« Reply #1 on: 15 July 2022, 08:50:15 pm »
Marli can you please add the mobile number with the last two digits censored as per the posting rules? That way it's in the correct format for the site and people can search for it :)


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Re: Warning Hull/Cottingham ladies
« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2022, 04:34:35 pm »
Number in question 075199129**