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Author Topic: Strange Pakistan man Waterloo Station  (Read 1638 times)

Polish Magda

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Strange Pakistan man Waterloo Station
« on: 04 November 2020, 12:58:37 pm »
My friend is WG she ask me pls post to help other girls. Sorry for my bad english and spelling. Maybe you meet this gentlemans in public same me or maybe he text WGs to Adultwork website. I replied to Craigslist advert 'Big Bum European girl to grope/smack 30 seconds.’ I think ok no problem easy £10. He ask meet at park but I said no I want more public area so agree Waterloo station. He say me wear tight yoga pants I said ok but already feel uncomfortable as my bum very big and get cameltoe (sorry to be rude). But what I mean I feel violated before I step out my door.

Anyway think quickk meeting no problem. I met gentlemans at Waterloo and he had shaved head and light skin. Maybe same height me 5'6. Feel sorry for him as meeting only 30 second so bend down for how you say it quick tease and he put hands on my bum. I said f*ck off, he look shock and say sorry. He keep saying I have amazing amazing Polish bubble butt (again sorry for rude these are words he use). I smile but inside I disgusted he use sexual/racist words to describe my body and not more polite English words. Maybe he doesn't understand polite English manners?

He sat on bench and I bend down again, this time tell him give me £10 smack me few times then just leave. What happen next was like Liam Neeson horror movie. He give me £10 as requested then smack so hard but not painful but like sideways I can’t explain how but it make such loud sound that entire station could hear it. Few mins later 2 armed police arrive at scene and he ran off. They ask what is problem and say they hear loud bang and ask if I have weapon. I said no but female officer give me pat down and searched my bag. I give name and address and never felt more violate in my life. Police never stop me before in life over stupid Craigslist ad this happen I cry in my pillow that night.

He send many txt before meet was very rude and judging about English WGs keep saying english punter think english girls fat and boring like wife but Eastern European girls much better bodies and culture and english men hate english girls stuff like this. He very weird man pls avoid if he contact you.
His name Saj and number 077214740**

« Last Edit: 05 November 2020, 07:53:01 pm by Polish Magda »