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Author Topic: Warning dangerous serial conman and blackmailer East Midlands  (Read 2713 times)


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Warning dangerous serial conman and blackmailer East Midlands
« on: 28 October 2014, 11:25:45 pm »

A female escort friend of mine in my Adultwork group has recently been targeted by this man who did a meet with her and was charming and nice so she naively decided to see him privately (I Know, never date a client but this was her 3rd ever escort meet). He then tried to black mail her with threats of telling her family and friends about her escort work, call inland revenue, all the usual rubbish unless he had sex with her for free and gave her a ?1000. She decided to google him after he stupidly gave her his real name and address and she found the following WARNING from another women and it seems he serially targets girls off dating sites and escorts. Here is the exact information the other women has written in her warning and a lot of it is exactly true to what he tried to do to a girl in my group. Here is a link to her tumblr profile she created to warn other girls about him, I dont think she is an escort so he may have now started targeting escorts: [removed - please don't post third party links here]

Daniel P******, also known as Daniel J*****, Daniel S****, Daniel J******, Daniel S**** and Daniel J***** is a dangerous individual. After meeting you on POF or some other similar dating website he will get you to exchange a lot of pictures before meeting up, if he ever phones you he will do so outside- away from his pregnant fianc? and child. He will convince you to take out phone contracts in your name and give him the phones- under the pretence that he will switch the name after you?ve done it. This will leave you to pay out an entire contract while he sells the handsets in order to fund his fairly luxurious lifestyle. If you let him into your home things will go missing and he will have a habit of forgetting his wallet when you are out. He is not a qualified personal trainer- heven if you dont live nee dropped out of college; however he does occasionally illegally work cash in hand so as to not interfere with his benefits.

Although his fianc? is aware of how he is funding their lifestyle they?ve been doing it for so long they are starting to believe they are not doing anything wrong and that all the girls they are conning are just psychos for looking them up and calling them out. What his fianc? is not aware of is the extent that he plays into the fake relationship, he will use you to carry out his sexual fantasies after telling you that he hasn?t had sex in two years as he doesn?t believe in one night stands. He?ll also tell you a woman has never given him a start to finish blow job- do not believe him- this is all for his own gain. Also beware he will film you when you are drunk and then blackmail you with the material once it is over and it will be over as soon as he has got all he thinks he can from you.
The police have been contacted over the matter but as the cases are spread over several counties with multiple crimes it is hard to compile a case against him, however every case opened strengthens the case overall.

He will have you believe that a phsyco ex made both his actual facebook account (that ex is actually his current pregnant girlfriend) and if he finds it, this one to.

[Links and identifying information removed]
His victims have been, tattooed/peirced/alternative looking women 
Please anyone in the Lincolnshire, Leicester, Peterborough be careful of him, he is a dangerous man and has being operating like this for at least 5 years, my sister was his latest victim, but probably not the last. Please reblog, even if you don?t live near him it could save a life, please stay safe"

Please be wary of him, the female escort friend of mine he saw was just 20 and had 2 young children, she was also not tattooed and pierced in anyway so he obviously will go for anyone. We fortunately have our own security for this kind of thing so were able to deal with it but any girls working alone may be intimidated into this. I can provide any further details by messaging me on here and have screen prints of his texts.

If any information needs to be redacted for whatever reason please contact me for a direct link to the unedited version that thankfully this other women has posted to tumblr.

[Title edited to remove all caps, identifying information removed to comply with forum rules and data protection laws. Please read board specific rules before posting in this section]
« Last Edit: 28 October 2014, 11:38:59 pm by amy »
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Re: Warning dangerous serial conman and blackmailer East Midlands
« Reply #1 on: 28 October 2014, 11:42:49 pm »
W_G, we don't normally allow third party warnings here, because they can be (and have in the past) extremely problematic, especially when a great deal of what appears to be speculation is posted.

Is there no possibility of the person this actually happened to posting a direct account of events herself?


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Re: Warning dangerous serial conman and blackmailer East Midlands
« Reply #2 on: 29 October 2014, 09:47:00 am »
Hi, I totally understand but the girl is very new to this and she's scared of what this guy will do to her right now as this happend yesterday and we are not sure we have sufficiently warned him off to prevent him taking things further so I feel that as her friend I should post this warning for her on her behald. She has no SAAFE account and until recently didn't even have an Adultwork profile, she just joined me at my place to do some duo meets as is so new to the whole industry , having dealt with hundreds of idiots and time wasters I have always accepted it as part of the job and never once notified anyone and simply block them on my phone.

This is the first time that I believe this person needs to be warned about as I genuinely believe he is doing this regularly. The Tumblr posting which I pasted although totally unrelated to the experience that happened to my friend just yesterday is so scarily smiler to how he did things with her that I felt justified in copy and pasting it as is as believe he is a serial blackmailer of women with a set format of how he operates. You can Google his name and he appears in public magistrate court records in his home area for other minor offences. This person is not a big time criminal, but he is a disturbed individual abusers of women s trust and has two Facebook profiles showing that he has a female partner that to some degree is aware and ok with his behaviour.

I can am 100% certain with out a doubt this is genuine dangerous person, I didnt use the "RAPE" accusation the other no escort girl used as all sex was consensual in this case of my friend. The girl who is a long term friend is on my group as a new member. She cam to my place to do some meets and this man arranged the meet via my work phone as she is so new that she doesn't have a work phone as keeps her escort work entirely separate from her normal life. She is a friend of mine from college so have known her in a normal context for several years. I have his texts kept on my phone, he first suggest we search him out on instagram to check his photos out prior to meeting as he is proud of how he looks with his tattoos etc. He then came to my apartment where I met him as he passed through to the bedroom as I was doing solo and 2 girl meets with this girl that day and so sat in my living room so I have met him in person a degree of this is a first hand account. The meet went really well and she said she enjoyed it to the point that when a couple of hours later he texted me on my work phone asking for her real number so he could see her she agreed. He came across so nice and she is newly single that she agreed (At this point I am kicking myself for not telling her to never date a client :FF).

She met him 1 more time for a date and sex. She then said she didn't want to see him any more as he wasn't really what she was looking for so he then began the black mail threats for free sex and asked for ?1000 payable today or he would contact all her friends and family, inland revenue, the police and other threats of blackmail. I have seen all the conversation so we then worked together to Google his phone number and name and located him on Facebook where he had 2 profiles and it was then that we also found the posting from a previous victim. The similarities in how he works from saying he hasn't orgasmed in 2 years, doesn't do 1 night stands, and other mind games to get the girl to like him begin and he then asks for them to get him a phone contract. Reading how he said and did the same things to another women suggests he has done this several times as follows a set routine.

I am an experienced escort and with a group of 20 service providers and have never once reported any of the 100's of time wasters and idiots until now as none have been as calculating or shown to have a repeat history of this type of harassment.

I totally respect that this forum should never be used to name and shame guys we dislike or I'd have hundreds of posts like this, my phones black list has over 300 blocked numbers alone but this 1 person is the only person I feel strongly enough to notify people about in detail as know he will continue to do this to others. You only need read the Tumblr post from a non-working girl and check up the facts she has listed and you will see that it all checks out. I am happy to also provide screen prints of his texts demanding money and sex through blackmail as evidence. He does this to fund his lifestyle, he is not an opportunist or spurner lover.

This is my account based on my first hand experiences as well as information I have seen from texts he has sent, conversations with my friend and finally a thorough Google and Facebook search of the person in question. I don't think I could be more comprehensive in showing this to be a dangerous and manipulative individual to be wary of. I still dont know if he will try something in the next few days against my friend but fortunately our group has its own security to deal with problematic issues like this.
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