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Author Topic: Warning Colchester  (Read 1690 times)


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Warning Colchester
« on: 04 November 2021, 08:50:29 pm »
Client has been stalking me. He found out my full name and my home address and has turned up at my house uninvited multiple times. Calls himself Greg M*****, he lives In Coggeshall. AW username is Loveslife2. Phone number 073951091** has threatened me multiple times. Dm me for full phone number and full address. I have reported him to the police.

[identifying details edited]
« Last Edit: 05 November 2021, 07:46:23 am by SAAFE »


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Re: Warning Colchester
« Reply #1 on: 18 November 2021, 01:32:29 am »
The same client has stalked me too, became obsessed and kept taking about being in love with me. Asks very personal questions and won’t stop pushing boundaries.
Usually books for 2 hours and likes to give gifts. Will then expect more and will pretend keep pushing for a relationship. He checked my post to try to find out my real name. He has then sent threatening letters, hinting at outing me, using the name he saw on my post (left outside by delivery man). When told I would not be seeing him again he started to stalk me.
He has come to my home several times and loitered outside, knocked on my door and ran away and interfered with my property. He has been reported to the police.
Also told another escort private details about me- what he thought my real name was and where he thought I worked.
He calls himself Greg M***** (probably his real name). He looks about 70+, tall and slim, white hair, white bushy moustache, wears glasses but takes them off during bookings. Brings erotic literature to read.
His number is 073951091**

PM for more details. He had a profile on AW loveslife2 but told me he deleted his profile.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2021, 01:34:50 am by MissFlint »