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Author Topic: Very rough, rude and hostile - Barnstaple / Exeter  (Read 1323 times)


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Very rough, rude and hostile - Barnstaple / Exeter
« on: 09 March 2022, 09:38:38 am »
Met this man in Barnstaple but he said he also goes to see escorts in Exeter

He sounded just a little abrupt on the phone but I mistakenly took that for feeling nervous or in a hurry.
 A few hours later when he arrived for his booking he entered and gave no polite greeting or smile at all, just grumbled about having had to contact me from his car for my room number. I said with a smile that it's necessary for discretion but he just rolled his eyes.

He stuffed the payment in my hand with no comment then went to the bathroom, pee'd (without flushing the loo), washed his hands and returned to the bedroom.
He made it clear he didn't want to engage in any of the usual polite or friendly pleasantries and just started peeling off his many layers of clothing, looking me up and down as I stripped down to my undies.
At this point I should have acted on all the red flags, handed him back the money and asked him to leave but my innate sense of good manners and optimism unfortunately prevailed.

He got on his knees on the bed and said he didn't suppose he'd be able to pull me around "like the others" to which I said he certainly would not be doing so. I really thought he was joking, then he barked "Well let's get on with it then" and he pulled my legs so that I ended up on my back with my legs apart and he started stroking his cock while he stared at me. He said "you sounded lovely on the phone" (with the emphasis on 'sounded') and I was feeling too nervous of him by then to know what to say.

Then he kept flipping me round like a piece of meat while he played with himself, rolling his eyes and making nasty comments about my size. I said that my profile and pics make it very clear that I'm a larger woman but he said he couldn't remember as he'd looked at so many profiles that day.
By then I was feeling really intimidated and humiliated, despite being a body confident woman in my 50s.

He started prodding his cock towards me so I reached for a condom which he snatched from me and asked if I did bareback. I said that I most definitely don't and he said that was a shame as the other escort nearby who he usually sees (but is currently pregnant) does with out complaining. During the incident he also said "I suppose you're going to say no to anal as well?"

He put the condom in, tut tutting as he did so, then as I reached down to guide him in he said "No don't you try guiding it in, they all seem to want to do that, I'll get it in there" and he shoved himself in very hard. I raised my arms to push him back but he pinned my arms to the bed very forcefully and started humping. I told him to let go of me as he was hurting and I would be bruised. He eventually did so after I'd asked him twice, but didn't apologise in any way.

More pushing and pulling me around and jabbing himself at and inside me before mercifully he came and let go of me and stood up.

I was pretty shell shocked by then and just wanted him to leave but he took forever to get all his layers of clothing back on and while he did so he was telling me that he was going to the Philipines again in a few weeks as his ex wife (presumably from there) had left him a few years before and been awarded a lot of his money (Hoorah for justice). He said he was going to get "another one to do my housekeeping and serve me but if she's no good after 6 months I'll send her back and get another one"

A thoroughly rude and rough man with zero respect for women at all or for the fact that he had violated me. If I was smaller, younger or new to this lark he would probably have put me off for good and/ or left me very traumatized, but instead I'm just fuming and wishing I'd sent him packing straight away.

He came in wearing his work uniform complete with name badge - a health related professional - so I have his full name

Around 5'9  / 5'10 tall, average build, looks a lot like the previous Labour leader (if I'm allowed to use that as a simile on here) grey hair and beard, wearing a flat cap

Phone number 079702070**