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Author Topic: Uses fake app to transfer? [London]  (Read 3170 times)


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Uses fake app to transfer? [London]
« on: 30 March 2022, 05:28:52 pm »
I was on tour in London mid March and had this guy request an hour with anal (which i charge extra for) but I got timewaster vibes from him.

He was mixed race about 5'9, and mid 40s, said he was from Dubai, he dressed fairly well. He ended up being a bit late, but he showed up which suprised me. He asked if transfer was okay and had me input my details and send the money, the app said money sent, so I didn't check my bank. As he was dressing to leave I checked my account. The money wasn't there. I said he can't go until the money arrives, he said "it's okay, i'm with Bank of America, it always takes a bit longer". I said that's not alright and I hadn't heard that before. He then says he'll go and get his card from his car which his friend is in and come back. I said no i'll go with him or he will run off, but I share my live location with a friend.

He takes me to a cash point and says he has no money in this account, it's on his other card which is in his friends card who is two minutes away. He then walked me in circles around the outside of the hotel saying he has the money, his friend is coming, it's all fine, he's a genuine guy, he's a bit offended that I don't believe him. He asks if I will get in the car when his friend arrives, to which I say no way. Then I cut through the shit, and go back to my hotel room, but he denies being full of crap. He calls me 10 mins later to try to assure me the money is coming and I have to be patient just wanting to waste more of my time and hear me being upset. This is a bit of a psycho. his AW name was Flipdinero123 and gave these details Adam **** 074241588**. He also messaged and called me off of this number 074041170**. I get the feeling he changes numbers and accounts frequently. He also tried to take the condom off.

Beware, he's an absolute lunatic. This is sexual assualt as consent was breached and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else!!!!

[location added to title and name and mobile numbers censored for forum rules]
« Last Edit: 30 March 2022, 08:02:29 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Uses fake app to transfer? [London]
« Reply #1 on: 18 April 2022, 09:17:19 pm »
I also had this client in 2021. I see he’s doing the rounds all over London still. He also faked a bank transfer on a fake banking app, said the money takes a bit longer to come but it never ever arrived in my bank. Ended up being in the room for about 30 mins talking to me as I was waiting for the money to arrive. I told him he had to leave and I couldn’t start the booking without payment confirmation. He was trying to convince me it would come and to just start anyway. I knew all along he was a scammer that’s why I never accept bank transfer! He matched that description, said he drives a white bmw and he’s from Dubai. Had an Arab accent also. He was using a different number which I reported but it had no prior reports so I’m guessing he changes his number frequently or uses a number concealing app.


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Re: Uses fake app to transfer? [London]
« Reply #2 on: 12 February 2023, 11:39:40 am »
I’ve also met this guy and he tried pulling the same stunt with me. I was working in Southwark about a year ago and he made a booking for 1 hour, turned up and made the “fake transfer” which obviously never came through. I told him that I won’t start the booking unless I see the money in my account to which he tried to convince me to start before it arrives. 20 min later no money so I kicked him out.