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Author Topic: Up North Contact Mag  (Read 19265 times)


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #15 on: 29 August 2008, 04:02:38 pm »
I was amazed to find this Dom Promotions, with the same address as Up North and Uk Escorts contact mags publish about 10 other contact mags!!! all from the same business address in Wales. You may find its possibly linked to the same company. There is lots of girls annoyed with this and had a number contact me about images being taken, old info of areas a girl doesnt cover, wrong areas but mainly these guys have a picture and number to go on and just randomly call.

I have to say the calls are still coming in and as soon as I mention price, they either put the phone down , state they thought we could be friends or if I ever want a fuck buddy to keep their number!!!!! AS IF!!!

The owner of this magazine has still not telephoned any of the girls. Really bad practice. Why would he, his magazines are being bought, he's making money. So why would he bother contacting the escort that obviously wants her details removed!


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #16 on: 29 August 2008, 04:25:26 pm »
What pisses me off about being in a magazine (without my consent) is having again to do things that I said I wouldn't do when I had a website.
Apart from constantly quoting my prices, I'm now having to answer text messages, which I hate doing.
Because I know these guys haven't seen my site, they wouldn't know about my 'no texting' rule, so I give them the benefit of the doubt, and the polite person in me responds to them.
This is what I received a couple of days ago. It started off well enough:

Him: "Hello, I've seen your ad in a contact mag and would really like to come and visit you, so would you let me know the best time and day to come and see you. Thank's"

Me: "Do you have a 'puter?"

Him: "No I don't. I would really like to fuck lick ur pussy while ur sittin on my face until ur pussy is drippin wet with cum."

I just sighed and text him wishing him a pleasant evening.
I'll just stick to my website rule and just not answer any unsolicited texts. It'll look rude but I really don't care, if that's the kind of shite I'm going to be subjected to.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #17 on: 14 October 2008, 10:48:42 am »
Hi ladies,

as you know upnorth mag has put girls in their mag including myself without permission, apparently he was sold my details by a 3rd party ie a webmaster but would not disclose which one.

I have spoken to the Mr D Baretle that is in charge of up north mag today FINALLY on 01443829292, If you would like your details removed you have to write to them at

P.O.BOX 32
NP12 3YB

He is in the office today!!!



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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #18 on: 31 May 2009, 07:21:40 pm »
I know I'm going over fairly old ground here, but I have started getting calls over the last couple of weeks from men who claim to have got my details from a contact mag called Northern Playmates (one man said Northen Babes as well, I think). I have googled both and can't find either - apparently these magazines can only be bought in sex shops, and as we don't have one here I am about at the end of my bloody tether.

I have now had about a dozen calls (the first I had just dismissed as the usual 'my mate gave me your number' types but obviously not) and they are consistent in their descriptions of what there is detail-wise (ie. not much). The photo they have stolen is an old one (I recognise it from the description) and my phone number is there, and that's about it. I am trying really hard not to be stroppy with the callers as I know it isn't their fault, but it is getting very difficult to be nice!

Does anyone else know anything about this magazine? I can't be the only one to have been put in it. If anyone thinks they can get me a copy, please PM me - the only thing I can think of to do is to try and get in contact with the publishers, but I don't know who they are! Any ideas?


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #19 on: 25 June 2009, 02:47:26 pm »
Have just had a call from someone who has seen my details in "down south magazine" where I don't advertise. Does anyone know what the HELL this is??? I am going to SUE THE MOTHERFUCKERS.



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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #20 on: 25 June 2009, 03:30:22 pm »
Ok, so stress over. I thought I would write this update down anyway in case others find themselves in the same position- as a few of you have already by the sounds of things. Down South Magazine is also a Don Promotions publication, and the details supplied above are still correct.

I was put through to Mike (can PM number if needed) who apolologised profusely and said that they would have been sold my details by a third party (his words "someone who trawls the internet for photos and details, probably"). He was very reasonable to talk to and said he would send me a copy of the magazine and make sure that my details were not used in the next issue- no idea as to whether this is all true yet obviously or if he just didn't want a screaming banshee on the other end of the phone, but nevertheless it was good to be reassured and speak to someone who said they woudl look into the problem rather than have to go through some slovakian webhost who is actually one disinterested man in his bedroom!

Just thought I would let you know of this afternoon's adventure in case anyone else hears that they have a starring role in this magazine! xx

xxFallen Angelxx

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #21 on: 31 January 2010, 01:23:52 pm »
Hi I'm fairly new here but have been escorting for the past 2 1/2 years. Recently I've started to receive lots of calls from clients claiming to have seen my ad in a couple of these contact mags. It's a bit difficult to get any info from the idiots that call me as they're not the sharpest knives in the cupboard. One of the mags seems to be UK Escorts and the other I'm not clear of the title, something like Wales and Northwest Contacts. I do not have the time of sympathy for these morons as quite a few of them get abusive when I tell them my prices or direct them to my web site.

What I was wondering about was if my details have been stolen surely this is a clear infringment of copyright. These images belong to me therefore these scumbags producing the magazine owe us if they are making money off our backs?

Does anybody have any ideas regarding this?   


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #22 on: 31 January 2010, 02:31:32 pm »
Hi I'm fairly new here but have been escorting for the past 2 1/2 years. Recently I've started to receive lots of calls from clients claiming to have seen my ad in a couple of these contact mags. It's a bit difficult to get any info from the idiots that call me as they're not the sharpest knives in the cupboard. One of the mags seems to be UK Escorts and the other I'm not clear of the title, something like Wales and Northwest Contacts. I do not have the time of sympathy for these morons as quite a few of them get abusive when I tell them my prices or direct them to my web site.

What I was wondering about was if my details have been stolen surely this is a clear infringment of copyright. These images belong to me therefore these scumbags producing the magazine owe us if they are making money off our backs?

Does anybody have any ideas regarding this?   

Does this sound like it might be it? I've posted a link on the thread, but here it is again - it may be the same people. They're murder to get on the phone, but I managed eventually  :). Good luck!


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #23 on: 01 February 2010, 07:24:32 pm »
Im getting calls like this too. I don't mind - after all, advertising is advertising - but I'd love to see a copy of the magazine.

I actually got a call from one of the publishers asking my permission to put me in, which I thought was a step forward on their part, but I was in the supermarket at the time, and a little flustered!

But if anyone gets a call like that, then why not let them use the details, but give them a different number? Then you know who are calling from the magazine. I'm going to leave a message detailing all the important info, and if they're still interested, they can call back another time.

Although first of all, I need to find out what magazines Im in! I think I'm in Southern contacts direct, but again, no info about it on the internet.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #24 on: 02 February 2010, 01:15:09 am »
I get calls from Northern Contacts too. I'm not sure I've ever had a booking from them as the guys always think am too expensive. I answer questions but direct them to my website too. Main problem for me is that they ring on my private phone, which drives me nuts ( I used to use it for work). Useful info in this thread which i hadn't seen before, so thanks to those who did the detective work!

xxFallen Angelxx

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #25 on: 03 February 2010, 03:13:16 am »
Hi I'm fairly new here but have been escorting for the past 2 1/2 years. Recently I've started to receive lots of calls from clients claiming to have seen my ad in a couple of these contact mags. It's a bit difficult to get any info from the idiots that call me as they're not the sharpest knives in the cupboard. One of the mags seems to be UK Escorts and the other I'm not clear of the title, something like Wales and Northwest Contacts. I do not have the time of sympathy for these morons as quite a few of them get abusive when I tell them my prices or direct them to my web site.

What I was wondering about was if my details have been stolen surely this is a clear infringment of copyright. These images belong to me therefore these scumbags producing the magazine owe us if they are making money off our backs?

Does anybody have any ideas regarding this?   

Does this sound like it might be it? I've posted a link on the thread, but here it is again - it may be the same people. They're murder to get on the phone, but I managed eventually  :). Good luck!

Thanks Amy, I do intend to take this further as things are now getting out of hand. I'm having to ask potential clients where they saw my ad as it isn't worth my time talking to these people. None of them can afford my fees and I'm so busy at the moment I really don't need these pests, they are blocking calls from real clients and trying to make bookings which they clearly have no intention of honouring. I'll post again and let everyone know how I go on.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #26 on: 26 February 2010, 05:11:17 pm »
I have also been getting guys contact from this Jiggy magazine. Guys claim the purchased it in a sex shop in Stoke on Trent. I googled it but nothing came up  :'(

that Jiggy magazine is proving a nightmare, i think ill follow the advice shown here and not honor any enquiries from it.

Anika Mae

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #27 on: 10 March 2010, 02:24:45 pm »
Bah, I'm in another one. I started getting calls from Escorts UK a couple of months ago, but took comfort from the fact that it didn't seem very popular. I've only had three calls from people who mentioned it. Then yesterday I had a "I've seen your ad and would like some more details" and I thought to ask him where the ad was. Turns out I'm now in Down South magazine too. I'm going to make sure I check out any callers who don't seem to have read my site, and tell the magazine ones that I won't discuss anything until they've been to my website. If they don't have internet access I'll tell them that the Friday Ad is more reputable, and it's free.

Oh, and I think I'll pop into my local sex shops to see if any of them are selling this nonsense!


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #28 on: 25 January 2011, 10:44:28 pm »
The Down South curse is rearing its head again.

Does anyone know where it is sold? Has anyone ever seen one?

Anika Mae

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #29 on: 26 January 2011, 09:21:23 am »
Yes, I went into one of the good sex shops in town and found one there. It was ?7 and wrapped in plastic so I couldn't have a look. I told the woman working there that it was using my pictures without permission and she said nothing they could do, they just get them all from a supplier. If I run into the owner I'll have a moan at him.

From talking to the callers I've found out that the national one doesn't even give me a name, just a picture and phone number. Down South is more detailed, having lifted the text from my About page. I had a call from a very confused man asking if I'd drive him places because he'd taken my escorting joke seriously.