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Author Topic: Up North Contact Mag  (Read 19259 times)


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #30 on: 27 January 2011, 10:12:33 pm »
I have had a lot of calls from the northern contacts mag to but this as been going on for years.
I tried about 8 years ago to find out who they were so i could do them for copywrite at that time if i can remember they were i think eros publishing and i traced them to a po box down south somewhere.They sell this mag for 7 pounds and most of the numbers are bogus except us girls that have had our details taken from our website.Lets face it they need our details to run the bloody thing because no one would buy it if they filled it with numbers that didnt answer.Like a caller said to me the other day your the first girl that as answered your phone.
Cat x

Your a young mans fool and old mans darlin x


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #31 on: 09 September 2011, 12:17:03 pm »
I should have posted this weeks ago, but I got distracted and forgot  :).

Apologies for reanimating a dead thread, but since a new issue of at least the picture-thieving 'Northern Playmates' magazine (as mentioned above) seems to have come out recently (according to the pondlife who have been ringing me and telling me they saw my 'details' in it - I've actually had one this morning) I've finally managed to get somewhere with the folk responsible. Any lady who is receiving unwanted calls as a result of her images and contact number being published without her knowledge or consent in any of DOM Promotions' grim mags, you can now have them removed from their records - the following email is from a member of the editorial staff:

Hi Amy,

We were assured when we bought the databases that the advertisers wanted to advertise in the publications. We have found since that this is not the case. We can only apolgise to these ladies for incurring them distress. For sometime we have not used the company for our databases and the said company no longer trades.

Please feel free to post my e mail address and ask the ladies to post their telephone numbers to me. I will ensure that any telephone numbers that are e mailed to me will never be published again by our company.
Kind Regards

I know we can't do anything about the ones that are already on the shelves, but it's something, and in the event it happens again I have the email saved which might give us a little more leverage. The email address is: :)

Lushious Louisa

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #32 on: 13 September 2011, 10:56:50 am »
Nice one Amy I will get on to that once I get home from Wales  ;)

They have been publishing my details for years and even when I called and asked for it to be removed it wouldn't be  >:(

Jenny 2

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #33 on: 17 September 2011, 04:59:50 pm »
I recently had contact from a punter who said my details were on Down South magazine. 

To cut a long story short, after a few texts and telephone calls, he did turn out to be a genuine punter and actually came to see me so I have had one booking out of this unauthorise advertising.  I asked him to bring along the mag so I could see what had been pinched off my site. 

There is a short write up and a b/w photo and my phone number. 

To be honest with you, hyprocritally I would say, had I not had any booking from this, then I would be emailing them straight away to remove my details but this client was genuine and actually a very nice one too. 

On the other hand, I had a caller today who was phoning re the ad and was mildly critical saying to me there's only one rear photo of you, can't see your face bla bla bla.  He then went on to ask for information (guess he was sitting down with a cup of tea as he seemed to have all the time in the world............ say no more). 

I asked him if he had internet access. He said no, so I said sorry, can't help you as I never give out info on the phone.  I doubt he was genuine anyway, you know the type! 

It's naughty isn't it when these people pinch our details but for now I won't do anything as I have had a booking from it. 

Jen x