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Author Topic: Up North Contact Mag  (Read 19260 times)


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Up North Contact Mag
« on: 16 August 2008, 02:39:11 pm »
Secret Desires Britania Ind Est Blackwood S.Wales Tel: 01443875142 is a sex shop but also publishes a magazine called "Up North". I have just contacted them at the phone number I was given to inform them to remove my details. They took a picture from my website and my mobile number without asking permission to make themselves money for their magazine. I do like to decide where I want to advertise and market myself. Unfortunately I have had lots of timewaster calls due to this. Most of the guys that have called have only a picture and number to go by, so most really are not timewasters they just dont have much details to go on. However my time has been frustratingly wasted.So you may not cover their area, provide the service they are looking for or not in their price range. I have had requests for bukkake parties, swingers the list is endless and although I empathise with the guys enquiries I was feeling I was becoming just a contact to refer these guys on.

So beware you may be listed without your knowledge.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #1 on: 16 August 2008, 05:11:57 pm »
I'm having the same problems with a magazine called "Jiggy" down here.
For the past few weeks I've had guys calling me up asking me for my rates. Apparently this magazine's stolen one of my pics and my details and have advertised me without permission. It really is a pain in the arse.
The problem is you have to go through details over the phone, which I hate doing. And as there are no prices advertised, when they ask me and I tell them my hourly rate, they put the phone down so fast I can feel the breeze at the quickness of the hang-up. Internet prices are different to contact mag/newspaper prices. Like it or not, guys that read those kind of mags expect to have either free sex or to pay very little for it.
I explain that I'm an internet only escort and my prices are the norm on there.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #2 on: 16 August 2008, 05:30:23 pm »
I can only Ditto your frustration brandy. I knew that it was only recently that I've been placed in "Up North". Roughly 1hr wasted of my time on calls...150 pounds that equated to n my time. I've tried to be unbias bout contact mags as it is a source of advertising.  discussed my problem with a guy who has a contact mag and he too is frustrated about charlitans and finds it completely unncessary and bad practice.He stated he always asks permission and asks what details the girl wants to include in the advert etc. He was of the belief he was making money with guys buying his mags wiith the expectation the girls would too. Everyone involved happy.
I posted this in lots of places, on punternet I made it a topic of discussion and 2 girls so far have had bad experiences also.
Its just annoying this company hasn't consulted, has no interest in the consequence and really only want to make money off the back of us girls. Really is bad practice. It is easier for us girls to track our advertising when it is internt based, more difficult when it is magazine with no internet presence. I thought this magazine initially only covered Scotland but it doesnt grrrrrr xxx

Anika Mae

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #3 on: 16 August 2008, 05:57:43 pm »
Christa, I think you need to be tougher with the callers. It's not their fault, but that doesn't mean you need to answer all of their questions, you can tell them that you're sorry but this isn't how you choose to do business and direct them to your website for details. If they can't get online then that sucks for them, but it'll probably stop them buying the magazine again. Maybe just give out your rates over the phone, since that gets rid of most of them.
« Last Edit: 16 August 2008, 06:48:07 pm by Anika Mae »


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #4 on: 16 August 2008, 06:32:01 pm »
Thank you Anika Mae, I think I was in some ways taking to much responsibility for the guys aimlessly taking a shot at the dark with their enquirys. Yip not my responsibility and neither my problem most dont have internet access. Think if they state they have found me in "Up North" magazine I will be stating I will not accept a booking purely for this reason.

I will be approaching things differently now x


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #5 on: 17 August 2008, 08:48:45 am »
Crista. Just do what I do. I know how you feel re: a little responsibility. But I just tell anybody that calls me via this magazine, apologies but you're an internet-based escort whose details have been stolen from your website without consent and that you're uncomfortable giving out details over the phone. If they'd like to know more about you then please go to your website. If they don't have a computer well, that's what internet caffs are for, if they're really serious.
Harsh but it cuts down on wasting your time on magazine-based phone calls. As I say, as soon as they hear the price they're no longer interested anyway.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #6 on: 17 August 2008, 01:28:28 pm »
I love popping in to SAAFE. The timing couldn't be better. Had a caller 5mins ago and through the support on here, tested out the advice given. The coversation started as he had just seen my I said Oh where? My Website? No Up North. I said unfortunately I do not honour bookings via this magazine as they stole a picture without my consent. He was sorry to hear this but wouldnt I be available for an incall (which I dont provide) in Dumfries (miles away and not the area I cover). Sorry, I neither do incalls or this area and I did say I wouldn't honour any booking via this magazine,hope you find better luck elsewhere,bye. So it has been a quicker call this time. Cheers guys xxx


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #7 on: 18 August 2008, 08:59:59 am »
Good for you and glad we could help Crista. Just stick to your guns and you'll spend less time on these calls. This isn't the first mag to steal escorts' details, and I'm afraid they won't be the last. So it's good to have some sort of 'template' conversation for magazine-based phone calls. I wouldn't even mind taking bookings from them myself. But as I say, monetarily speaking, these guys have different expectations. Which is probably why these mags don't include our prices. They're clever. They know that if these guys got a whiff of how much we really charge, their mags wouldn't even shift off the top shelf.

And that's another thing that pisses me off about these magazines is the misinformation. They may lift your details from your website correctly, but we all know our sites can be updated within days or weeks. And by the time their information containing your details is published, it's out of date and you're answering questions you wouldn't normally have to if they'd have seen your site.
I used to sometimes take incalls in Essex, and I haven't done so for the past few months and adjusted my site information accordingly. And I get calls from these guys asking me where in Essex I'm based. Frustrating to say the least.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #8 on: 18 August 2008, 08:02:29 pm »
I was contacted about 6 weeks ago my Northern Direct asking me if I would like a free ad in their Mag. I was a bit wary at first - but I went for it. I asked to check the ad before publication and they made changes at my direction.

I have had a few calls and a couple of bookings as a result. Yes it is tedious running through details - but then again some guys call after only lifting your number from a directory site with the same questions. Not all are surprised by my rates and were very polite.

Just a different experience I suppose.


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #9 on: 23 August 2008, 03:37:01 pm »
I was contacted about 6 weeks ago my Northern Direct asking me if I would like a free ad in their Mag. I was a bit wary at first - but I went for it. I asked to check the ad before publication and they made changes at my direction.

I have had a few calls and a couple of bookings as a result. Yes it is tedious running through details - but then again some guys call after only lifting your number from a directory site with the same questions. Not all are surprised by my rates and were very polite.

Just a different experience I suppose.

I'm glad you mention Northern Direct. Infact Matt is hopefully launching Southern Direct. I can only thank Matt who was really supportive with me and the problems I've been having. This guy is professional and asks permission, invites you, and you have complete control over your free add. He is a gem of a man :-*


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #10 on: 23 August 2008, 03:39:50 pm »
I am sooo at my wits end, over the last few days I have had contact from guys from the Cardiff area. Another contact Mag has done exactly the same they are called UK Escorts. Similarly a picture stolen, they have my mobile number and state I am located in Cardiff.  :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #11 on: 23 August 2008, 04:51:22 pm »
Just to add on from this. I phoned the sex shop again that is linked to Up North magazine and asked what the link was to Dom Promotions as they are also based in Blackwood. Dom Promotions name was given to me by a guy enquiring about a Cardiff booking from UK ESCORTS mag. The girl on the phone has said Dom Promotions are the owners, but became quite hesitant to answer my questions on that further. She did say their were another 3 escorts complaining and she would pass the info on because its a holiday weekend and again the owner wasnt available!!

Keira 34JJ

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #12 on: 29 August 2008, 08:01:24 am »
I have also been getting guys contact from this Jiggy magazine. Guys claim the purchased it in a sex shop in Stoke on Trent. I googled it but nothing came up  :'(


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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #13 on: 29 August 2008, 03:18:21 pm »
I have also been getting guys contact from this Jiggy magazine. Guys claim the purchased it in a sex shop in Stoke on Trent. I googled it but nothing came up  :'(

Yeah, I did the same thing. I Googled it and nothing came up. It seems they don't have any web presence.
Now I'm getting asked if I do half-hours. Sheesh!

Keira 34JJ

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Re: Up North Contact Mag
« Reply #14 on: 29 August 2008, 03:42:57 pm »
I have also been getting guys contact from this Jiggy magazine. Guys claim the purchased it in a sex shop in Stoke on Trent. I googled it but nothing came up  :'(

Yeah, I did the same thing. I Googled it and nothing came up. It seems they don't have any web presence.
Now I'm getting asked if I do half-hours. Sheesh!

Of course you do hal hours Brandy, they cost the same as an hour lol