Sounds like a bug to me, seems pretty inconclusive...
maybe they detected multiple identical ads from the same IP and only allowed one? Why post two in two days anyway, it seems pretty spammy..
Nanako, it's quite likely that the site (especially if they are now charging for adult advertisements) require posters to re-post their ads daily.
The site allows placing of ads with a defined end date. I've just successfully placed one which expires in 2035
Or it might just be the most effective way to use the site.
This is pretty much what I was getting at. The most effective way to use google, from a profit making perspective, used to be spamming keywords as much as possible to get top search rankings. But google is well within their right to add measures to curtail that which seems to be an abuse of their services. If the site provides a feature to allow lasting ads, then repeatedly reposting an ad to get more exposure does seem pretty spammy.
The comment was offhand and not intended to be malicious, I'm sorry

think Madison's warning is a valid one - if nothing else, the issue is a puzzling one, and it could well turn out to be a risk others want to avoid.
Just to be sure I'm understanding:
1. paid for an ad, did not get it
2. Next day, went to pay for another,
but did not complete the transaction3. Noticed an email confirming an ad had been posted
To my mind, it seems that the advert merely took a day to get through/approved/whatever. Madison paid for only one ad, and recieved only one ad. That doesn't seem problematic to me.
I can confirm that putting an ad in the personal services category has a charge, though.
Please refrain from criticising any posters here or responding so negatively to a post - helpful replies ONLY.
Understood. I hope this has been helpful enough ^_^