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Author Topic: Twitter hastags - word of warning  (Read 2089 times)


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Twitter hastags - word of warning
« on: 29 September 2011, 08:48:44 am »

I use twitter in my working name a lot, to chat to other ladies and gents and to advertise. There are many useful features to twitter and one is hastags and a word eg #escort. Twitter users who are interested in certain things can search the hatags and find out whos tweeting about it.

Yesterday an escort friend of mine who is meant to be visiting me today to do a duo with a client put a hastag of my town and she was visiting, but not that we were doing a duo. A local religious sect picked up on the hastag and retweeted it with our names to the local police twitter account and a local sargent. Im not worried about the police, they have bigger fish to fry than me and I am working legally. They wont be interested in one escort visiting another.

What I am concerned about is that this religous sect are just up the road from me and they could, if they had a mind to, find out where I was and out me. Im hoping they are nice christians and wont do this. Im being careful, as always, with new bookings and no one gets my full address. In fact they dont get my road name until they have phoned me from an ajoining road which I have sent them to.

So I just wanted to warn you, that if you use twitter be careful what you hastag as it can be searched and your tweets seen by those that are and are not following you.


Penny x x x


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Re: Twitter hastags - word of warning
« Reply #1 on: 29 September 2011, 11:48:13 am »
Whats tits, I'm going to hashtag my town more often now screw them  ;D


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Re: Twitter hastags - word of warning
« Reply #2 on: 29 September 2011, 03:03:34 pm »

I use twitter in my working name a lot, to chat to other ladies and gents and to advertise. There are many useful features to twitter and one is hastags and a word eg #escort. Twitter users who are interested in certain things can search the hatags and find out whos tweeting about it.

Yesterday an escort friend of mine who is meant to be visiting me today to do a duo with a client put a hastag of my town and she was visiting, but not that we were doing a duo. A local religious sect picked up on the hastag and retweeted it with our names to the local police twitter account and a local sargent. Im not worried about the police, they have bigger fish to fry than me and I am working legally. They wont be interested in one escort visiting another.

What I am concerned about is that this religous sect are just up the road from me and they could, if they had a mind to, find out where I was and out me. Im hoping they are nice christians and wont do this. Im being careful, as always, with new bookings and no one gets my full address. In fact they dont get my road name until they have phoned me from an ajoining road which I have sent them to.

So I just wanted to warn you, that if you use twitter be careful what you hastag as it can be searched and your tweets seen by those that are and are not following you.


Penny x x x

Bloody relligious groups, they should mind their own damn business!
  And reporting it to the police like that just wastes the police's time. What were they expecting the police to do, you are legal after all.
"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur!" - George W. Bush


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Re: Twitter hastags - word of warning
« Reply #3 on: 29 September 2011, 03:19:22 pm »
Saw this the other day on facebook..........

Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one,
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my children's throats!