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Author Topic: Total Timewaster, North West  (Read 543 times)


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Total Timewaster, North West
« on: 28 October 2024, 07:49:13 pm »
I was messaged on Adultwork by this guy for the first time in December 2022. His AW name is Kyoto27. He calls himself Alex in his messages.
He messages asking for a 2 hr outcall to a Manchester hotel. He seems very polite and clear in his emails, stating that he would like to do a dominant roleplay with a submissive lady but would absolutely respect any boundaries.  I responded swiftly and positively and he completely ghosted me, no response back on AW and no attempt to call me on my work phone.

Roll forward to early October 2024, he sends an almost identical email on AW asking for 2 hr outcall to a Manchester hotel etc etc. I responded swiftly and politely pointed out his previous comms 2 yrs ago which I responded to but he ignored. I heard nothing back. Then around 10 days later he emailed to say sorry, work had prevented him from arranging and would I be available Monday 28th for 2 hrs at his hotel in Manchester. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and told him I required a phone call to discuss and a deposit.

He phoned me the next day. He seemed nice and polite and we discussed a deposit. Apparently he doesn’t have on line banking..first red flag. I suggested an Amazon gift card and he said he was happy with that and would sort over the weekend. We agreed a time, today at 7pm. I asked for a booking request on AW too. He emailed on Friday evening to clarify the roleplay he wanted “before doing the booking request and sending the deposit”. I agreed to the roleplay…then he completely ghosted. I emailed at 2.30pm on AW yesterday to see what was happening and to date the email remains unread.

Please ladies do not waste your time with this man. He has over 1,500 feedback on AW but they are all from webcam with the exception of one. So it appears that he loves to roleplay being the dominant and probably likes the idea of a physical meet but doesn’t want to commit or chickens out.

It’s the total disrespect and lack of manners that I can’t tolerate. Not even a short text to cancel.

Do not be taken in and please do not see him without a deposit.

His number is 079612976**