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Author Topic: [Hampstead] Persistant Boundary Pusher DANGEROUS  (Read 1831 times)


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[Hampstead] Persistant Boundary Pusher DANGEROUS
« on: 07 March 2013, 06:07:22 pm »
went on a few months ago and i did an ugly mug report. was working at a massage place in hampstead area.

Came very often became kind of a regular but constantly wasted time as late turned up when he wanted to became very controlling pushed boundaries
told not to touch told BEFORE sessions over phone was told this face to face didn't listen went against my wishes and touched intimate areas etc

Has started calling phones again on more and more numbers (he knows i do not want to see him and calls on diff numbers but hasn't for a couple of months) has started calling again this man is insane.
He is persistant he completely went against my wishes and did things that were not allowed/what i consented to

I'm sorry this is a bit jumbled here below is a bit of the report for ugly mugs i just cant believe he is trying to get in touch again it makes me want to cut all ties with the place i was working at he is so disgusting and doesn't take NO for an answer

 Ethiopian, 35-39, 5ft 10, stocky with a belly, balding Afro hair, nose hair, skin tag/mole on forehead and body, has an old style Samsung phone and called her My girly, my girl? with an African accent.  He says he owns restaurants in Camden and has used mobile no?s: 07*27*76***/07*40*13***/07*41*61***/07*96*03***/07*25*25***.

[Title and mobile numbers edited.]
« Last Edit: 07 March 2013, 06:15:10 pm by amy »


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Re: Persistant Boundary Pusher DANGEROUS
« Reply #1 on: 07 March 2013, 06:09:47 pm »
oh he calls himself emanual dani or andy he has been calling again this week and since im not always on the phones i cant be sure its not him and i dont want to have to be suspicious of everyone with a strange accent :( but hes so disgusting he makes my skin crawl and he just didnt listen to me at all its like he thinks women dont have feelings and took my right to decide what happens to my body


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Re: Persistant Boundary Pusher DANGEROUS
« Reply #2 on: 07 March 2013, 06:13:51 pm »
Kitty, can you please edit your first post so that the mobile numbers are in the correct format for the site and people can search for them? I've censored the last two digits of each, so all you have to do is replace the rest of them (so they look like this: 012345678**).

If you can't figure out the editing it doesn't matter, just add a reply with them in :).