Not a timewaster, but a nuisance.
Happyguylucky on AW and [a punting forum].
Books via AW initially and then via text. Regular reviews on [a punting forum] (though I've heard claims of leaving negatives for some girls that have left him disgruntled)
Comes across as a nice guy when first meeting him, and is always pleasant face to face too apart from the odd passive agressive comment. But quickly becomes very obsessive, constant texts, calls, and AW emails/bookings.
He is very paranoid, always requests to be the first booking of the day, and will try and trip you up to check if you are lying. If you're not available he will make contact in a different form eg calling from withheld to test you.
Will tell lies to make out that he's done you a favour or that you've let him down. Very passive aggressive.
Will make a booking, but if someone he prefers becomes available will cancel last minute to see them instead.
Gets very close without a condom, doesn't kick up a fuss when told to put one on, but certainly tries his luck.
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As he is so pleasant in person I don't believe he would cause any harm, but his behaviour is still concerning.