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Author Topic: Timewaster in Osterly/Hounslow  (Read 1356 times)


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Timewaster in Osterly/Hounslow
« on: 04 April 2013, 12:01:31 pm »
It appears I'm not having a good time of late.

On aw he goes by the name of petesingh. His phone number is 078094403**
I was meant to meet him yesterday at 1pm and I rang him at half 11 to confirm and to say that I was leaving. I got a text at ten past 12 to say that his wife had come back home because she was unwell. He offered compensation for wasting my time and for the travel and insisted upon it so I went to a tube station nearer to him to meet. I've had people offer compensation before so didn't see much wrong with it. I was waiting at this tube station for about 30 minutes. I rang him many times and he did pick up, saying that he was just going to cash machine to take out a bit of money and would be five minutes. After fifteen minutes waiting, I rang again and he said he had forgotten his wallet and it would be suspicious if he went back home again because of his wife.

He tried to get me into his car by offering to drive me home which I said no to but he kept offering saying it was the best he could do. He also didn't like that fact that I would be making my way directly to his place as he wanted to pick me up from a station or bus stop. I obviously decided to go home but he rung about thirty minutes afterwards to say sorry again and if he could make another booking and if we could do the meet in his car and that he could give me the compensation later that day or the following day. I said that I would not be doing another booking unless he gave me the compensation as promised first. He was keen to talk about the meet on the phone so I think that's all he wanted really to get his kicks but I just tended to shut him down.

After ringing him on that number constantly I have not since been able to get through to him. It goes straight through to voicemail so the number is still active at the moment.

When I was waiting for him at the tube station, there was a guy in a white small car that had a motif on the side that kept driving in and out of the station side road, which is where I was, and did keep staring at me every time he went past, which was about 4 times. I don't know if I was just being paranoid but it could have been him just driving past.

Timewasters are just so infuriating!


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Re: Timewaster in Osterly/Hounslow
« Reply #1 on: 05 April 2013, 10:04:27 pm »
Just as a sort of update,

He has now called me twice, once yesterday and once today under an unknown number. It's the exact same voice as when I spoke to him when I was meant to meet him and with the exact same laugh. He goes by the name tony when he rung and said he was from the hounslow area.

On the first phone call he said that I had met him a few weeks ago in heathrow, which is not true as I was not even working in this area until a week ago. I told him that this was not the case and asked where he got my number from. He evaded the question and asked if I would meet. I said I would not as I do not take bookings from people I do not know over the phone. He kept asking why and calling my 'baby'. I kept repeating that I would not and said that I did not want him to ring again.

He rung again today not so long ago and when I asked who it was, he asked me who I was. He started by saying his name was pete and then changed to tony when I questioned this. I again said that I did not want him ringing me and if he did I would report him. Hopefully I won't get another call.

It seems this person likes to timewaste and then pester. So if you get someone by that number, he might go by pete or tony then.
