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Author Topic: timewaster free look (glasgow)  (Read 1302 times)


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timewaster free look (glasgow)
« on: 14 June 2015, 04:47:12 pm »
I received a booking today everything sounded ok no red flags all good.
when he arrived at my hotel he text for my room number which i gave him and i waited in my room.
5mins went by and no sign?? i text to ask if he was ok ? he responded with "the cleaners are around can i just get a 15 min booking" to which i text " don't worry about cleaners they wont bother us but if you want a 15min thats fine"  he then asks how much grrr im getting a tad annoyed now as its nearly 15mins into the booking time i text him and tell my fee and that im waiting at the door for him i stand  for another 5 mins then i see him coming off the lift and to the door so i open it and let him in, he walks straight in looks at me and then walks out?? I'm shocked and so i text him to ask what happened ? he responds with "sorry to tall for me" well my height is on my profile so im not sure what he was expecting.
I believe he had no intention off staying for a booking at first i thought maybe he was nervous and maybe if he had text and said that i would of believed him but to text to say i was to tall is weird.
his number is 075456004** he's in mid twenties, short and silm with brown eyes