Today had a timewaster.... 29 soon 30, asian british male, called "Mo" , clear accent seems a bit of a "business man" . Been speaking to him the past few days he seemed totally genuine (and I'm a good susser) , we arranged for 5pm but we were both running a bit late, gave him the postcode to a shop nearby, told him to call and I will direct him from there, he called directed him to the flat and buzzed him in. He came upstairs, happy, smiling and talkative. Walked in we were just stood in the coridor, and then said "Your neighbour asked me to move my car, parked in the wrong place" something like that. So I just said yeah yeah its fine you can go, he was like the door will be open, I was like sure, I knew straight away it was a walker and he just wants to find out where you live, check it out and go. He defintley was not nervous so not panic or anything, just believe he wants to find out where you live and leave, why I have no idea, possible robbery? I hope not!! Number is 079808168** . Happened in my incall apartment in Halifax, reckon he probably does this all around West Yorkshire though.
Watch out girls! x