SAAFE forum
General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: Angie.B.x on 11 November 2015, 01:36:49 pm
I've had a guy been pestering me for months on end for a booking but he kept saying he had filled in the booking request form, when he hadn't. He's done this about 10 imes in the last couple of months so in the end I told him to do one. So just an idiot who didn't want to fill in the booking form in case he got bad feedback obviously.
Well yesterday I got a mail from another working girl (she's not a member on here hence the reason I am posting this), who is quite near to me warning me about him. She said that when she left him alone in the bedroom afterwards he helped himself to her perfume!! >:( >:(
His AW username is robertwsimpson with user ID=3144102 and he comes dressed as a woman.
I hope I've posted this in the right place :)