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Author Topic: condom remover glasgow  (Read 2174 times)


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condom remover glasgow
« on: 20 August 2016, 01:19:13 pm »
This guy booked me for 30 mins.

He arrived at my hotel and everything seemed fine apart from the fact he couldn't keep it hard. We tried every position but no he couldn't maintain an erection... I could tell he was getting frustrated and his time was nearly up. He kept saying its not you its the condoms "I hate them bloody things"
We were in doggy position when again he went soft  he lent over to get a drink of water so I tried to get up he then said "no don't move I've not finished yet" by this time I was already up I immediately noticed he had removed the condom. 
I asked him why here removed the condom he explained he had just done it, I then asked why if he hadn't finished would he remove it? he just stood denying any wrong doing while furiously wanking. I told him to stop and to leave he continued wanking furiously while explaining that I would be fine he's clean etc.  I told him that wasn't the point I would now have to cancel all my clients and go to be checked out, he was still standing wanking I again said please get ready and leave he said can I not just come first ? I said no way, by this time he had been here 40 mins of a 30 min booking. I explained this to him and said please just go. He eventually got ready and all the while was saying "you will be fine I promise" "I'm clean I'm clean".

I went to get checked out and luckily I'm ok. I don't know if he had just removed it with intentions of putting it inside me after his drink of water or if he had previously removed it had ben inside me uncovered.
Since this incident he has text me 5 times on different days via virgin to say he has no credit and could I ring him back? is he having a laugh??

The Guy is about 5"6 to 5"8 slim build in his 50's with short grey hair and had a really strange laugh like a nervous giggle.

his number is 079143523** If you want his full number please pm me.
He is based in Glasgow.