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Author Topic: time waster matt (says he is disabled) prev timewasting under name martin  (Read 3905 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 69
I wanted to point this guy out as he is listed on another name and shame board already and also because he used such an elaborate story. He said his name was Matt and would I go to basingstoke to see him. Said it was too far but that he could see me in soton as an incall.

He said he was disabled and would I be able to help him from the car? Yes, no prob I said. Requested short skirt heels etc - I told him I would not be wearing that in the car park but would change upstairs. No worries he said.

He called me on the morning of booking and asked detailed questions about outfit etc - first alarm bell rang.

Appt time came, he txt to say he was 10 mins late, no probs. I was actually waiting in the car park in my car as I was suspicious of him wanting me to come down. After 20 mins or so I called him, no reply. I txt askiing him to contact me to explain himself or that I would name and shame.

He called and said he drove to carpark and went to 2nd floor - fell and hurt his leg (he pulled the disabled card again - said he was distressed) Said he had been to paypoint and pressed button for guard and that he got in his car and they let him out.

Asked why he had not phoned or txt. yes, should of done he said - but he is disabled and was distressed!!!

I was in car park so asked guards - noone knew of him, presed help button and they didnt either - challenged him on this, he said he would come back and show me his leg! Ok sweatheart come and let me see!!

Never arrived back here....... think he knew i rumbled him.

He is posted on another board warnings under the name martin......

Such a shame he has no life. No harm done on my behalf as I got another booking and did that but I find him using the disabled story a little insuulting to genuine disabled punters.

His number is 07*110**686

Suzy x