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Author Topic: Time waster - London area  (Read 2416 times)

Sophia M

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    • Sophia Mardell
Time waster - London area
« on: 13 April 2009, 11:17:09 pm »
This guy booked an appointment with me but didn't show up, and didn't contact me to cancel. He contacted me via adultwork a few weeks later, and stupidly I gave him a second chance - he did exactly the same thing again.

He is a young south asian man in his twenties. He gave the name Adnan Mughal (Ads), and his AW nickname is adders1981. The first time, he used this number, 079401876**, and the second time this one, 079714026**.

He did have one positive feedback, so presumably he does turn up sometimes, but not one to rely on.


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Re: Time waster - London area
« Reply #1 on: 05 May 2009, 01:07:11 am »


 I've had this one too. He put in a booking request via AW (same username and all given) I told him to get in touch with me nearer the date and we'd take it from there, to which he wrote a relatively well worded email agreeing.

 I absolutely *never* expected to hear from him again. And guess what... I never did!  :D