Hi Ladies
I have had the misfortune of coming across this man on 3 seperate occasions over the past year under different numbers but his MO never changes. He is not dangerous but he will consistently try a money scam with you. - even in my case after seeing you 3 times and being called on it every time.
He a white male in his late twenties who claims to be called james. every time he has called me i have been based in kensington. the booking is always incall -(and each time he books has been directly after changing my profile pictures - not the profile itself just the pics - he always appears to be surprised its me so i suspect from this that he books a lot of girls)
he is very polite and well spoken on the phone. he will however ask you the same 3 questions on booking without fail (he has done the same to another lady i know on one occasion - she was not lucky enough to discover his money scam until it was too late) - he will make a booking and ask you to wear tights (full tights) when you agree he will ask you what color the tights are. he will also ask you to accompany him to a work function the following evening and agree to pay whatever obscene amount of money you may request for this (to give an idea my hourly rate is 150 and i dont offer overnights - i told him to book me for this function would be 5000 for 10 hours and he agreed - no genuine client would!!) he will tell you his is a barrister/lawyer. he will not be able to give you specific details of why the work function is happening or what you are expected to wear. it will always be at a hotel in central london, this is the only specific detail he will give you aside from a start time. needless to say this next day will never happen. i believe he does this to distract the ladies from his money scam which i will detail next
the booking will always be for either an hour or 90mins. he will pay you but he will UNDERPAY YOU.
1- on the first occasion he gave me a sealed envelope containing my half hour rate. before opening it i asked him to confirm it contained my 90min rate - he did. i opened it in front of him as i always count everything in front of clients to find only my half hour rate in there he tried to stop me opening it and when i discovered it was short acted surprised and said he would only do half an hour then. first occasion i was annoyed but went through with the booking.
2 - On the second occasion he booked for an hour. same requests. places the money on the table on the way in under a paperweight folded to make it look like more than it was, tried to distract me by talking about how much he would pay me the following day. insist on counting it after confirming we were doing an hour to find.. surprise surprise that it was my half hour rate. when questioned he claims he wanted half an hour and when i confirmed the amount he had misheard me. (and misbooked) didnt really believe him but was half underessed so [went through with it. annoyed.
3 - today he made the booking different number but same questions. i clicked that this was the same person asked lots of questions about if we had not met before, he insists we haven't. i make the booking thinking it was an odd coincidence. he arrives. Looks very nervous that i am me. comes in to the hotel room and before i can ask him to leave places guess what - a gift bag with chocolates in it and a sealed card with my fee in it on the table. tries to distract me with chocolate. i say if i look in there am i going to find my fee is short. he acts like he has no idea what i'm talking about. i say to him i am opening it and if its not all there you will be leaving and i will be keeping my cancellation fee. i look. its less than half. i try to keep 20 and he makes a fuss. eventually give up and give it back to him to get him to leave.
I know this was a long post but thought it was important to demonstrate the different tricks he tries. one time for any could be considered an innocent mistake. 3 times is a scam.
his current phone number is 079852102++ PM me for the full number.