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Author Topic: Suspicious MO: man wants you to visit while his wife's home (Brighton)  (Read 2403 times)

Anika Mae

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I had a call yesterday from a guy who said he wanted to see me every 3-4 weeks. He said he'd just moved from London, and there he had a girl who used to visit him while his wife was home. He introduced her as his secretary and there was never any problem. He wanted me to do the same thing.

I said no way. He started telling me how much he wanted to see me but I stopped him and said I wasn't doing it and he could book an incall if he wanted to. He didn't give it any consideration or give any reason why he wasn't considering it, but told me that the door to his study locks and his wife would never disturb him anyway because she knows how important his work is to him. I said no again and we said goodbye.

Obviously it's important to him that the booking happens with his wife around, so either he's a bastard who likes to fuck girls while she's in the next room, or this is some kind of set up for messing around with money or time. Anyone else heard from him?