Hey everyone, old mate is still at it!
He contacted me on AW with the same username. He has 0 feedback. Fed me the same bullshit story about having a regular girl who now is retired, needing to find someone to see on a fortnightly basis. He asked if we could chat on the phone briefly, to which I stupidly said yes. Told me about this card game, The Trick and about wanting to buy me riding boots and high waisted skinny jeans. 20 fucking minutes he stayed on the phone for. I barely said a word during the phone call! After about 4 minutes I just popped the phone down on the side on loud speaker and continued doing housework. After 20 minutes of him waffling on I told him I had to go and hung up on him.
He's messaging me on AW still going on about boots and jeans and which brands I'd like. I told him that for me to carry on making these arrangements he at least needs to send me some money because arranging a booking shouldn't take this long.
Glad I searched his AW username on here, as it appears he is using a new mobile number: 079438055**
How can one man be such a monumental fuckwit???