This client booked me two weeks ago via aw in leicester. I do not have his number, however he is distinctive.
28-32 Years old
Long slicked back hair, black
blue contact lens
Thick set, boxer type profile
Tattoo on right arm, black maouri type
excellent english
Upon entering the room he was immeadiately too tactile, trying to kiss me, hug me kiss me but not pay me. When I cut contact and suggested payment he became restless, looking at doors and telephones instead of me.
Main problem came after payment. He insisted I faced away from him on the bed, in doggy position. He then attempted to rub himself unprotected against items unamed, told firmly to stop, i did not like fluids in any region.
He then changed position, while proceeding to pacify me by telling me it was his his first time and he was over excited. I did not believe this and was becoming more concerned by the minute..
I put a c on him which he then pulled off, saying last minute please, can I rub you? After much kerfuffle he requested intercourse, to which I consented and bent over but checked condom as always from behind, as always do. Condom was split in half, which could only have been done in the process of me moving as it was fine before,
when mentioned to by now the' nutter' he said...'oh my gosh, how did that happen? but now it has lets just carry on as it is my first time and I am clean' !!! needless to say we had a swift conclusion but what worried me was the several ways he had to pull the durex, distract you, break it or push it in completely. A new lady would find him v. intimidating, as to be honest I did..He says that he was a boxer, he only likes english girls and he is very polite on phone.