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Author Topic: Stoke on trent- On leave from army goes by the name of dan - Poss dangerous.  (Read 2627 times)


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  • Posts: 13

I believe this guy to be quite dangerous.

I am a fairly new escort in my area been doing it about 4 or 5 months now.

The other week I got contacted by somebody to the name of Dan who claims to be an ex service man, The appointment was fine with him even giving me an extra ?20, nothing out of the ordinary happened, the appointment was fully protected etc etc

The second time he came he seemed quite edgy and twitchy, just was plain old weird telling me about how he killed Innocent mothers and children when he was in Iraq,

I always save numbers in my phone, anyhow he text me last week always saying the same things like beautiful you have model looks 10 out of ten when can I see you, and things like "i am jar head" anyway I was in company that day as i had family staying with me I don't usually but he kept calling and calling so i txt back saying I was busy and maybe to contact me in a few days. He always repeats the same stuff on his texts always starting it off by saying beautiful or model looks.

So he sent me about 40 txts in that time saying how he wanted me and I just ignored them, the texts got worse and worse telling me that I had HIV fat c**t fat cow and things.

They stoped then about a week later he texts me telling me he is out side my house with his army gun and that he is going to chuck acid into my bloated face, I could see him outside he has binoculars and was looking through my windows and I was so scerd, i told him to leave me alone and that i wasnt scerd of him and that if he did anything id stick and knife in him and that my mate was a policeman was comeing (im such a shy small girl so he probably wasnt expecting it)  anyway he drove off. I continued to get txts off him saying stuff like you fat cow im going to rob your house and throw shit ar your house but then txts me stuff saying "beuitifull sory bad day, its dan the fuit cake, lets do monday lillys this time" and then the day after I got a massive bunch of flowers on my doorstep with a note on it saying FAT C**T this was about 6 weeks ago and Im just about getting the confadance to see a few clients agein now, he realy shook me up. think hes got the message now but the last txt was saying I dont need you Iv got girls all round the UK i am jarhead you know, im on leave from the army"


Anyhow his names dan, I live in the stoke on trent area but he has a cockney accent, he likes to ask for hardsports and that hed pay extra to get a fully formed poo (gross i know and i dont offer this service) or anal without (i didnt do theese) his no is 078765**3*5 PM for the full number.

Anyhow any questions let me know, sory its been long, just scerd me.

H xx