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Author Topic: Stange, indiscreet and pushy guy from west London/Heathrow area  (Read 1417 times)


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Saw this guy yesterday. African, probably mid-20s with a very pushy attitude on phone insisting on services that I told him wouldn't be part of a 30 minute session. Called several times during the day asking questions before settling on a 6 30 in-call, calling hour before as requested.

Tells me issue with train and puts it down to delays finally arriving 3 hours later than the time he wanted!

Very odd behaviour, when he turned up he started asking if I could 'do him a favour' i.e. give a freebie or some kind of discount made it clear to him pay or leave and he coughed up after asking loads of stupid questions such as 'how many times can I cum.'

Seems to have some sort of phobia about contact, wanted to use 2 condoms (changing constantly and messing around with baby wipes) while receiving oral and kept saying how he disliked saliva so could I avoid it.

Finally asks me something upon the lines of would I be interested in marrying him via a civil partnership (assumedly to gain citizenship!) then left.

On leaving he starts ringing my buzzer incessantly from outside the flats (totally indiscreet) and shouts do I have a taxi number I can give him! I would add that my buzzer rang while he was with me also, whether that was a cab driver waiting for him or something else related to him I have no idea but I never have people ring my buzzer unannounced after 9pm so very odd...

Totally indiscreet, strange and a complete pain in the arse, big avoid. Somewhat smelly down below too.

Number is 07438 2158**