his AW name is sansfairerein real name is peter and he says his girlfriend is called samijane or sj his mobile number is 079810278** he has been pestering me for well over a month now-I became uncomfortable with his constant texts and calls so refused to meet him and since then I've had on average 6 or 7 texts a day from him and 2 or 3 missed calls the calls/texts will sometimes die down a bit then suddenly start again he is completely deluded and seems like he could be dangerous also he sends loads of e-mail from his address and his "girlfriends" one as well-he keeps sending loads of e-mails with a link to a website selling viagra as well for some reason

and then sends a message warning about people sending spam emails

bloody weirdo he has threatened to get me kicked off AW for having two profiles if I don't meet him-he has bad feedback on the website saying he dosen't understand no,he has loads of good feedback as well talking about how great his dick is,and loads of the comments are worded in a similar way so I'm pretty sure he wrote most of it himself using a fake profile or something .he targets new girls-he found my new profile so I'm pretty sure he has those new member alert things and he wants a threesome with his "girlfriend" so he will probably only contact bi sexual or bi-curious girls