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Author Topic: Stalker/intimidating client London..  (Read 2747 times)


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Stalker/intimidating client London..
« on: 25 February 2022, 12:04:36 pm »
Don’t no where to start.. I have had the worst possible experience I ever had in my whole working life happen to me last night

I been having problems with a man from london. Age early 30s.. he mixed race..I met him 4yrs ago he booked me twice never had probs with him.. he found my Instagram and I had to block him as he stated to send inappropriate messages.. once I blocked him on my Insta he started make new Insta accounts to get in contact with me.. he started  calling me names saying he had better im a bitch whore etc.. I eventually come off Insta,. He knew to never contact me again.(  I did threaten to report him to the police if he did)

Fast forward 3yrs since seeing him.. i thought he would have forgot about me.. (he hadn’t) I gone on tour to London..was going well.. yesterday  I had a booking for 8pm with a client.. the guy seemed nice when I had the phone call to arrange the times etc..he had put a polite posh voice on  (which he obvs put on to trick me into seeing him) he had booked me off a different number one I didn’t know.. the stalker going to lengths to pretend to be someone else. To see me

As I opened the door and looked The spy hole of the hotel.. I noticed the 8pm had hat on and a mask so I couldn’t recognize him.. as I opened the door before I could say anything he pushed me into the room.. I said please leave.. I could see him getting angry so I went to text my friend.. that when he snatched my phone out my hand screaming who you texting.. he blocked me into the hotel by putting his arm on the door not letting me leave.. I was terrified

I had to think fast, I decided it was best to humor  him.. He was trying to get a free service out me grabbing my bottom demanding me to give him a service . I had to put with him for 30 mins.. I had to be nice to him, i I could see with his  body language i would have been hurt if I would have caused a scene .. as he was all over me..I started cry and I packed  my case in front of him, I made the excuse I had bad belly so I can’t see him.. it seemed to work.. I walked him out the hotel.. I immediately told the hotel what had happened.. they changed my hotel room..this has badly shaken me up.. I feel like I can’t bear to tour London again as he always going to be hounding me.. the man not wired up right to act this way..
I’m that scared I have to gone home early.. I have never been in a situation this bad in my working time where I felt terrified.. trapped and cornered..

Please be careful of this man ladies.. not sure if he stalking other women around London.. if anyone else has had issues with him.. please pm me..

He calls him self Kayne.. his hygiene was bad and not nice   at all
His 2 numbers
« Last Edit: 26 February 2022, 01:38:53 pm by Petlover29 »


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Re: Stalker/intimidating client London..
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2022, 07:01:51 pm »
This man now is texting my work phone as if nothing happened asking what am I up to.. I have told him leave me alone..he is saying that we are friends and it told him to save my number..he is completely delusional.. he don’t seem to understand what he did was wrong.. tricking me into a booking and not letting me leave the room..

I can’t even work in London due to this man.. not sure what to do... soon as my profile back on he at it again.. also having lots of missed calls on private number all day.. I know it’s him.. He now texting me saying he knows lot better looking girls than me.. he calling me crazy saying he only ever called me a bitch on Insta and I made into a big thing

It scary he seems to be only targeting me and I’m not sure why.. I just want him to leave me alone

Never had a stalking  situation this bad before..
« Last Edit: 17 May 2022, 06:32:03 pm by Petlover29 »