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Author Topic: Stalker - Central London  (Read 1985 times)


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Stalker - Central London
« on: 09 April 2021, 08:25:11 pm »
Hello ladies

I was hoping not to have to post on here but i have had an incident go too far

A couple of weeks ago i had a client no show to a booking, when asked where he was he became extremely abusive by text before showing up on my street in the middle of the night shouting for me to come out, i let the incident pass without further action but did post his details to the clienteye app

A couple of days ago he popped up again raging that he had visited another escort and been shown the report on the app. He was at first abusive and later directly threatening over me having reported his number, i blocked his number once the threats started, then the next day he appears on another number, more abuse, more threats, blocked again, the next day another number more abuse, more threats, and so on until now, while still ongoing i am posting his numbers on here.

I am based in bayswater central london

His numbers that i have (i accidentally hit delete and block with one of the threads)

His messages and threats are long and involved, this is scary, i will post any further numbers that appear over the next few days