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Author Topic: Slightly odd booking with condom taker-offer  (Read 2651 times)


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Slightly odd booking with condom taker-offer
« on: 22 September 2011, 05:00:50 pm »
I've spent a few days debating with myself about posting this, as it may be nothing but -

I had a gent called Roly34 (who has positive feedback on AW) email me about a booking on Monday night, local hotel, 2 hours from 10.30pm, he promised to put in a booking request but it never came. He did text me all his hotel details, security checked out so off I went.

When I got to the room all the lights were off, just the TV on to light the room and I was immediately on guard. He paid my fee and I went into the bath room to get changed and hide the cash. When I returned he had the wine open and poured for me, though he was drinking whiskey. I decided to only touch the glass with my lips and not drink as I was feeling really uncomfortable, especially when he declined turning the light on saying he could see me just fine and that me not being able to see him properly added to the mystique.

He told me to relax a lot and encouraged me to drink more (15mins into a 2 hour booking) and refused to let me touch him, just kissing and him masturbating me (badly!) I kept trying to take the lead and give him oral but he repeatedly moved away, and then suddenly said "put a condom on it! I wanna fuck you!" (Who says romance is dead?!)

I did as told and he tried to spoon me (alarm bells tinkling at the idea of having him behind me) but he was on the large side and as I have quite a derriere it wasn't possible, while we were changing positions the condom vanished. He told me to get on top, holding himself up with his hand, I asked where the condom went and he said he was still wearing it, I knew it wasn't inside me as he hadn't penetrated, then I saw it sticking to the corner of the bed!

I put a new one on him, and eventually moved onto mish, he came and told me he was done for the night and asked me to leave, a whopping 32 minutes into his 2 hour booking!

I offered him some money back but he refused, saying he may call me the next day if he was still in town (he didn't , thank gods!) so it ended well for me, but it was surreal...

He travels a lot so no specific location, I will try and find his number and add it asap. Just got bad vibes from him and was relieved to get out, with or without the 2 hours payment!
« Last Edit: 22 September 2011, 05:06:46 pm by MissArcaBunny »