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Author Topic: Simon22 adultwork name  (Read 8121 times)


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Simon22 adultwork name
« on: 07 August 2008, 05:41:08 pm »

first post but love this site as keeps us all informed etc

so anyway simon22 adultwork name, he is from york area so any girls in Yorkshire keep your eye out for him...has negative feedback for making bookings n never turns up. He emailed me on monday wanting a 3hour booking for today and had -2 feedback...... without a deposit no way would i have accepted his booking so he was willing to pay ?20 deposit cause of his feedback....
guess what...... 2:30 came no email no phone call, never turned up.... just a timewaster but 3 hours of my time wasted is enough to make me write on here!!! Fortunantley i have other bookings later on to cover hotel expenses but just shows even timewasters that r willing to pay a deposit r just a waste of space............ so if any of u come across him make sure u get enough money to cover expenses, he is very willing to pay a deposit wish i had taken more lol

take care girls xxxx


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Re: Simon22 adultwork name
« Reply #1 on: 09 August 2008, 05:14:07 pm »

thanks for that Becki   ;D as im sure ive been emailed by him too , im sure hes set up a new AW id under - simo22 , although it has no aliasis , he could have a new computer / IP address . Im sure its the same guy . if you dont mind me asking becki , did he ask for "kinky stuff "?? Thanks , Cleo XXX

Ps = without saying too much did this guy want "vanilla " sex or did he want more fetish /kinky acts ? Was anything to do with MnMs sweets mentioned ? If so im sure its same guy as hes been inquiring about a 2/3 hour booking withme but i have my suspicions !!!!! - if this makes no sense then its prob a different guy after all , same area and v simliar name though makes me suss!!!!! :) :)
« Last Edit: 09 August 2008, 05:25:45 pm by kinkyvixen77 »
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Re: Simon22 adultwork name
« Reply #2 on: 10 August 2008, 09:25:01 am »
Hi Hun

didnt ask for anything unusual just a 3 hour gfe,

his profile says he is in the york area he is 24years old and 6ft 2" with dark hair.....very willing to pay a deposit tho when i asked him. I had emailed him the morning of booking which he read with plenty of notice and didnt email me back like i requested to confirm so kinda sealed it for me he wouldnt turn up!!

He has -4 feedback now so quite easy to spot so chances are he will of set up new alias name.
