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Author Topic: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9  (Read 18968 times)


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Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« on: 12 March 2022, 04:17:56 am »
AW name: 007 James Boned_
Number: 074355093**
Address: *** Derby Road, NG9 7**
Booking time: 00:45
No. of positive FB on AW: 22
No. of negative FB on AW: 1

Booked me for an outcall to his home address in Stapleford, Nottingham for 30 mins. We had been speaking via AW email for a couple of weeks prior and on the day of the booking he was very quick to provide proof of his address. On my arrival I noticed he had sent me a text saying that I should park directly opp. his home in the Iceland car park. I didnt find that very discreet so I parked on a side street.

As soon as I arrived, I called him but his phone went straight to vmail so I tried calling him on my other device and got the same result. All in all I had called him approx 13 times. 10 mins later he calls me back claiming he didnt block my number (he clearly had) and says "go and stand on the main street by the zebra crossing where its well lit so I can see you". I informed him that there was a bunch of guys standing directly opposite the crossing outside a pub talking and drinking so I would feel more comfy meeting him on the side street which was more discreet (he lived on top of a shop so to get to his front door was via that side street at the back of the shops). He said he'd come down and to give him a min as he needed to put his jacket on but he kept me waiting there for ages. Minutes later, two separate cars pull up. Both cars slow down as they are passing me and both drivers stare right at me before proceeding into the back entrance behind the shops - the same entrance where he is supposed to be coming down from to fetch me. Then another car pulls up but this time they park on the side street exactly where I am standing. A bunch of guys get out and start doing god knows what. For this time of the night during the week the road is much more busy then it should be: this naturally made me super anxious so I decided to walk down the road and I texted him saying that he was taking too long and I was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable.

He then texts and says "for his own security I need to send him a pic of my face". By this point I had been standing on the main street in the freezing cold for about 20-25 mins so I called but he declined my call. I did this several times and he kept declining my calls so I hurried along very quickly past all the shops back to my car afraid for my safety. Eventually he calls me and I ask him to explain wtf is going on. He says again that I either need to go and stand on the main crossing in the middle of the frigging high street so he can see me or I need to send him a pic of my face. I told him that I had walked past his window a bunch of times so he clearly knew I was there and reminded him that my ad also states I do not show my face prior to a booking - but more importantly, if this was something he needed "for his own safety" (bearing in mind that Im in an unfamiliar area late at night on the street and hes in his safe space at home) then why would he only choose to tell me this on my arrival? He says it wouldnt have made any difference and I told him that it would have made ALL the damn difference because if he had mentioned this when we first spoke I wouldnt have accepted his booking!!!!! By this point I am extremely infuriated and tell him he has wasted my valuable time as its now 1:45am - I had been there for an hour now only for him to try and add his own T&Cs on my arrival!

Before I went back home, he threatening me via text and said he is going to contact the police and report me for "harassing behaviour" (its hardly harassing when Im trying to make you see where you fucked up!) and then he tells me that he actually doesn't live there!!!! I suspect that he was one of the guys in the car but I obviously I cant prove this but overall I was really shaken up as u can imagine. I should also mention that at the time when the booking was secured, he was very adamant and keen to fill in a booking form but he never filled one out.....

[address censored]
« Last Edit: 12 March 2022, 09:51:22 am by SAAFE »
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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2022, 11:22:35 am »
Ive spoken with the escort who left him a negative review and it turns out that he did the exact same thing to her (pretended to accidentally fill in the wrong address on the AW booking form, asked for a face pic 'for his own safety' but he asked her a couple of days before they met face to face etc). She is new to the biz and isnt on this website but she told me, and I quote - "he was really shaky and nervous, I didnt feel very comfy with him at all but he saved my pic and after the booking started threatening to expose me for no reason. He is a vile guy"

The numbers he contacted her from was 078814569** and 075031062**
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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2022, 11:34:16 am »

I do not know how this guy has positive reviews over the Christmas to New Year week he contacted me asking for a outcall didn’t check my AW account for over a week as I was at my parents house. The date of the outcall he asked for was on the 28th December and I didn’t see the message till the 4th January obviously by then it was pointless to reply he then messaged me again asking why I didn’t reply and I explained he then proceeded to tell me I was rude and wouldn’t get very far he then proceeded to say I should be begging for a booking I decided to block he’s AW account and then five minutes later got bombarded with abuse calling me a whore, slag and he would knock me out I then told him I would go to the police and he told me to go ahead again I blocked the number and then he proceeded to call me off a withheld number about 150 times one evening. [removed]

How he got that positive AW feedback is beyond me.
« Last Edit: 31 March 2022, 08:24:39 am by amy »


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #3 on: 28 March 2022, 03:54:22 am »
How he got that positive AW feedback is beyond me.

Ive just seen your reply but I completely agree!! The escort who left him negative AW FB contacted me yesterday stating she was contacted by another girl on AW with a very similar story of threatening behaviour. Im so glad I decided to post here as I dont come on here much but I knew I needed to share my experience because I too was baffled how he got so many positive FB! He even had the audacity to email me a couple of days later out of nowhere saying "yawn hahaha" but now Ive blocked him on all platforms.

If the number he contacted you is different to the ones Ive posted, please post it here coz I believe he changes numbers frequently
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Vintage Miss

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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #4 on: 31 March 2022, 08:07:27 am »
This guy contacted me for an outcall to Nottingham but I don't go there, he kept asking and when I didn't reply after a while he went radio rental on me, sending me threats, pictures of my face with the word 'bitch' written over it, threatening to leave me negative reviews everywhere. I have a feeling he was also previously under another AW name of The Phenomenal One, because he did it to me there also, autumn last year, when I wouldn't reply because he had hidden his 53 reviews. Numbers 075545061** 078334259** I think he tries to get face pictures because he thinks he can use them to make threats

English Green

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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2022, 06:41:36 pm »
This man is now on 0758841687**

His account on Adultwork is now The Fuckmeister. He lives above a shop in Stapleford Nottingham [potentially identifying information removed] which has been confirmed. Still making threats of outing and blackmail and getting face pictures of women to use against them. I had to block him recently myself and other women i know too have had terrible abuse. Number of warnings elsewhere.

He is young anywhere between 28 and 34 possibly. Very skinny with brown hair, not attractrive.
« Last Edit: 07 August 2022, 11:15:51 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #6 on: 12 August 2022, 11:50:38 pm »
Wow, got a message today from The Fuckmeister. Second account he's messaged me on.
« Last Edit: 13 August 2022, 08:30:16 am by SheffSW »


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #7 on: 26 September 2022, 02:17:27 pm »
I recall messages from the fuckmeister, I've just rechecked and that profile is now not in use, so he'll be popping up again, beware.


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #8 on: 15 November 2022, 03:15:30 am »
His current aw account is Sub-Zero


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #9 on: 15 November 2022, 11:00:48 am »
His current aw account is Sub-Zero

I've had issues with this guy a couple of weeks ago in Leicester
He messaged middle of the night on aw for an outcall,  I was asleep and when I woke I read it but didn't bother to reply.
I then had a phone call mid morning asking for a booking, he was a little off in coms and seemed very entitled, I gave him a provisional yes and told him I would send my postcode, knowing I was doing nothing of the sort, he then said I hadn't replied to his aw message about an outcall.

On putting down the call I then [off topic removed] went to aw and he had sent a second message there saying how rude I was for not replying,  I messged back saying I would not be taking his booking or sending my postcode etc I then blocked him on aw and the phone.

Sadly that doesn't stop him from sending a WhatsApp, so he then sent me a very abusive message threatening to give me negative feedback everywhere and to plaster my face picture over the Internet, I simply replied that I had no face pic and to crack on sunshine.

A series of threats continued saying his mate would book me and he would turn up, they would come and get me etc, left me some voice notes laughing and saying the same.

I've just ignored and he seems to have gone quiet, however he put in a booking on aw which he could do even though he was blocked, as yet no negative, I have all the screenshots to send to aw should I need to.

He has about 11 positive fb on aw atm but if you look they were all left over 2 or 3 dates so likely false, he is a very unstable and dangerous little man and to be avoided at all costs.
« Last Edit: 16 November 2022, 12:00:54 pm by SAAFE »

English Green

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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #10 on: 16 November 2022, 11:48:56 am »
Now using 078262679**

[off topic removed - only first hand information in warning please]
« Last Edit: 16 November 2022, 01:01:30 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #11 on: 16 November 2022, 12:54:08 pm »
Neither of these AW’s are currently active- does anyone have his current AW alias?


[wrongly quoted post removed]
« Last Edit: 16 November 2022, 01:02:30 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #12 on: 20 November 2022, 10:50:15 am »
He's back again and using the name Jack_Hammer_ on AW


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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #13 on: 06 December 2022, 04:23:42 am »
He messaged middle of the night on aw for an outcall,  I was asleep and when I woke I read it but didn't bother to reply.
I then had a phone call mid morning asking for a booking, he was a little off in coms and seemed very entitled, I gave him a provisional yes and told him I would send my postcode, knowing I was doing nothing of the sort, he then said I hadn't replied to his aw message about an outcall.

On putting down the call I then [off topic removed] went to aw and he had sent a second message there saying how rude I was for not replying,  I messged back saying I would not be taking his booking or sending my postcode etc I then blocked him on aw and the phone.

Sadly that doesn't stop him from sending a WhatsApp, so he then sent me a very abusive message threatening to give me negative feedback everywhere and to plaster my face picture over the Internet, I simply replied that I had no face pic and to crack on sunshine.

A series of threats continued saying his mate would book me and he would turn up, they would come and get me etc, left me some voice notes laughing and saying the same.

This is literally the exact same thing that happened with my friend, but she shows her face on her adverts. He screenshotted all of her pics with her face and threatened to out her and he did this on several different numbers. It's clear that he is a very dangerous and highly self entitled man who switches on you when he doesnt get the response he wants
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Re: Set up on arrival, Stapleford Nottingham NG9
« Reply #14 on: 04 July 2023, 12:14:13 pm »
I think his new profile on AW is Justin Credible. I had experience of him before under different profiles and this new profile very much seems like him.