Some replies on that Punternet thread
Thanks for that warning: I've avoided reading the comments.
It may be worth reminding people that it became rape at the point at which she withdrew her consent to oral sex and he carried on anyway. Non-consensual fellatio became rape with the Sexual Offences Act 2003, which is also explicit that consent is a continuing process. Saying yes at the start does not mean that someone can disregard you saying no later on.
It did not become rape because they did not pay her, even though she did not do any of this without expecting to be paid. (It does mean that another crime they've committed is obtaining services by deception, however.)
My guess is what she was told about the CPS is what the police said about them, rather than being told directly. Even so, some of the reasons rape has not been prosecuted because of a belief that the rapist is not likely to have been convicted have been appalling. Memory is telling me Ian Huntley got away with one rape because he was seen dancing with her earlier, for example.
It would be interesting to know just where the hotel was and which police force she reported this to. Heathrow is right on the border between the Metropolitan and Thames Valley forces. A couple of years ago, one of them was much better than the other at treating this sort of thing seriously.
It almost makes me hope that the next escort they try this with turns up with some very nasty friends.